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January 22, 2015 <br />Re: Midland Engineering <br />Cathedral of Saint Paul <br />Birmingham, Alabama <br />Exterior Restoration and RoofRoplocement <br />To Whom It May Concern; <br />It Is with great pleasure that I submit this letter of recommendation In behalf of Midland <br />Engineering Company. Our firm was fortunate to have them on our team for the restoration of <br />The Cathedral of Saint Paul, which is located in the heart of downtown Birmingham <br />Alabama. The Cathedral, built in 1893, is a stunning example of Victorian Gothic <br />Architecture and it is a treasured landmark in tite Birmingham community. One of the many <br />challenges associated with renovating a historic landmark Is finding team members that view <br />the project as more than just another project, Rather, to be suecessibl with a project of this <br />nature, you need partners that understand and appreciate the significance of the structure, and <br />share the some respect and love for the building as do the parishioners and staff. I am pleased <br />to say that Midland 13ngineering fits this description perfectly, it was apparent to all involved <br />from the onset of tite project that Midland's staff was committed to excellence, acid genuinely <br />cared about the needs and concerns of those who worship and serve within the walls of this <br />magnificent building on a daily basis. Speaking as a General Contractor, the value of this type <br />of partner cannot be quantified. Furthermore, I am confident, that if asked, the architect, <br />minister, parishioners, and many others associated with this project would share my same <br />view. <br />In addition to their understanding anti respect of the building and what it represents, <br />Midland's commitments to quality, safoty, schedule, and overall success of the project were <br />unparalleled. As the project progressed, the exporlence, knowledge and proactive attitude of <br />Midland's team proved to be an Invaluable asset to our firm, as well as to the architectural <br />design team. Day to day issues that were encountered In the field wore easily resolved with <br />either a quick chat with their onsite supervision, or a phone call to their project management <br />team. In my 25 years of experience In the construction industry, I have found it to be very rare <br />that an architect will respond to field related issues and questions with "what does your sub <br />think we vhould do?" To me, this type of response Is confirmation that the design team had <br />absolute trust that Midland would provide solutions that were to the benefit of the overall <br />success of the project, not just simply suggest solutions that were only in' the best Interests of <br />Midland. <br />In summary, my positive experience with Midland Engineering was second to none. Althoug)) <br />my time with their group Is limited to one project, I feet confident sharing my highest <br />recommendatlon to anyone that may be interested in thou services. Typically I would be <br />hesitant with sharing such high prolse for an organization with which I have had such limited <br />experience. However, in this ease, I have no doubts that their performance on our project was <br />a reflection of an overall culture within their organization that will not settle for average. <br />Please feel free to c tact me should you have any questions. <br />'fin iiso <br />Coject Superintendent <br />Hoar Construction <br />2051545.6193 <br />nnynY.honrtic.coro btmtlnslium houston nAS1101la <br />orlmido <br />CONSTRUCTION <br />TWO M#tmpNx Win <br />auk6 400 <br />611Wr4him, Al $4200 <br />204.003, 2121 (T) <br />265.423.2323(F) <br />