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<br /> <br />Commissioner Downs Krostenko voted to deny because of the reasons that have been <br />stated by other Commissioners but also the dangerous precedent that would be set. <br /> <br />Commissioner Deegan voted to deny because the windows are out of historic character. <br /> <br />Seven in favor, none opposed. <br />Vote: 7 – 0. Motion to deny COA #2020-1209A passes. <br /> <br /> <br />IV. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />N/A <br /> <br />V. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> <br />i. November 16, 2020 <br /> <br />Commissioner Andrews made a motion to approve the November 16th <br />meeting minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Deegan. <br /> <br />Seven in favor, none opposed. <br />Vote: 7 – 0. Motion to accept the November 16th meeting minutes passes. <br /> <br />B. STAFF REPORTS <br />i. Administrative Approvals <br />1. Twelve projects were approved last month with a steady pace of <br />reviews this month including masonry, fences, roofs. <br /> <br />C. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />i. Disposition of Historic Preservation Assets <br />1. Administrator Feasel gave an update on the progress of the project. Still <br />seeking 150 square foot of holdings. Continue to send boxes to BOLT <br />to be digitized. Ross has taken charge of the overscale blueprint project <br />to be digitized by Arc. Mention of potential partnership. On the digital <br />data, Adam and Ross have been working on uploading and <br />consolidating files. Introduction of current Intern, Mia Schwartz, <br />working in demolished files. Ross introduced Mia. Mia introduced <br />herself. <br />ii. Standards Update <br />1. Administrator Feasel gave an update on the progress of the project. <br />Standards Update document itself is as comprehensive as it has been. <br />Commissioner input has been included in the edits. Work is being done <br />on creating an introductory PowerPoint and consideration of a short <br />video. Public engagement platform is under construction. Mention of <br />Jennifer Settle graphic designer. Developing a list of discussion points <br />that will need to be worked through as a group. <br />iii. Historic Districts <br />1. Riverside Drive Lighting – working through legal description of the plat <br />to determine the boundary. <br />iv. Local Landmarks <br />1. Ridgedale/Twyckenham Hills Gates – plan to meet in January to talk <br />about history and next steps.