Estimated Constructions Costs Permit Fees
<br /> 75,001.00 to 76,000.00 143 788 181. 00
<br /> 76,001.00 to 77,000.00 144758 183 . 00
<br /> 77,001.00 to 78,000.00 146 788 185.00
<br /> 78 ,001.00 to 79,000.00 1477.58 187.00
<br /> 79, 001.00 to 80,000 .00 149788 189.00
<br /> 80,001 .00 to 81,000.00 158758 191. 00
<br /> 81, 001.00 to 82,000.00 152 788 193. 00
<br /> 82,001.00 to 83 ,000.00 153758 195. 00
<br /> 83 ,001.00 to 84,000 .00 155788 197 . 00
<br /> 84,001.00 to 85,000.00 156758 199. 00
<br /> 85,001.00 to 86,000.00 158 788 201. 00
<br /> 86,001.00 to 87,000.00 159758 203 . 00
<br /> 87,001.00 to 88,000.00 161788 205. 00
<br /> 88,001 .00 to 89,000.00 162 758 207 .00
<br /> 89, 001. 00 to 90,000.00 164788 209. 00
<br /> 90 , 001.00 to 91, 000.00 165 758 211. 00
<br /> 91,001.00 to 92,000 .00 16788 213 . 00
<br /> 92,001. 00 to 93 ,000.00 168758 215. 00
<br /> 93,001. 00 to 94, 000.00 178788 217. 00
<br /> 94,001.00 to 95,000 .00 1q1 758 219. 00
<br /> 95 ,001.00 to 96,000.00 143 788 221.00
<br /> 96,001.00 to 97,000.00 144 758 223 . 00
<br /> 97,001. 00 to 98,000.00 176788 225. 00
<br /> 98,001. 00 to 99,000.00 144 758 227. 00
<br /> 99,001.00 to 100,000 .00 179788 229. 00
<br /> 100,000.00 and up 179759 229. 00
<br /> Plus, per thousand dollars of estimated construc- 0.75
<br /> tion cost thereafter, up to $1,000,000.00 total
<br /> estimated construction cost
<br /> Plus, per one thousand dollars of estimated 0.50
<br /> construction costs thereafter.
<br /> ( 2) Fifty-debars-+$59798i.} Twenty-five dollars
<br /> ( $25 . 00) for each re-inspection made by department inspectors far
<br /> of commercial and industrial projects requiring-a-re-insgeetien-by
<br /> ali-the-building-and-utility- n9geeters.
<br /> (2.1) Fifty dollars ( $50.00) for each additional final
<br /> inspection necessitated by the failure to pass the previous final
<br /> inspection.
<br /> ( 3 ) For hard surfacing of parking lots which have not
<br /> been included in the site plan for the construction project
<br /> (including new and re-paving) there will be a fee to be based on
<br /> estimated construction costs.
<br /> (4) -( 6) Reserved.
<br /> (7) The fee for a permit for banner signs shall be
<br /> five dollars ( $5. 00 ) each.
<br /> (8) Wrecking and demolition permit fees shall be as
<br /> follows:
<br /> a. Residential:
<br /> 1. Ten Fifteen dollars ( $1878815.00) per
<br /> one- and two-story house, including accessory.
<br /> 2. Fifteen Twenty dollars ( $15-8820. 00)
<br /> for more than a two-story house.
<br /> b. Commercial:
<br />