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BILL NO. <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 7 g l q{ -t9 <br /> AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $450,319.00 <br /> AMONG VARIOUS ACCOUNTS WITHIN THE <br /> DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT: <br /> In order to assure the efficient and timely utilization of <br /> Community Development Block Grant Funds and that the immediate <br /> needs of specific activities are met, additional appropriations <br /> among accounts are necessary. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the <br /> City of South Bend, Indiana: <br /> SECTION I. Additional 1989 Community Development Block Grant <br /> Entitlement Funds in the amount of $450,319.00 are hereby <br /> appropriated and allocated among accounts as set forth below. <br /> Project No. Description Amount <br /> CD89-606 Economic Development Capital Fund $ 95,000 <br /> CD89-102 Housing Rehab Fund 195,000 <br /> CD89-604 Monroe Park Development 45,319 <br /> CD89-605 West Washington Development 95,000 <br /> CD89-203 Demolition 20,000 <br /> $450, 319 <br /> SECTION II. No costs will be incurred or funds expended for <br /> any activities in this ordinance prior to an official release of <br /> funds received from the United States Department of Housing and <br /> Urban Development as may be required. <br /> SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br /> from and after its passage by the Common Council and approved by <br /> the Mayor. <br /> // <br /> �/ t _L, o. <br /> Me-..dl"'l:r the Co ,o/ Council <br /> ml:ord/a <br /> i Clerk s mit <br /> FEB ' 2 1989 <br /> 1st READING d'a7 IRENE GAMMON <br /> PUBLIC NF a DIM," 2-i -ec 9 11ITV I I,FIII( 8O Pr" <br />