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i 3 <br /> 5. Life Insurance. The City shall provide term life insurance <br /> coverage in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ( $10,000.00) for each <br /> officer or employee. Such insurance shall be effective upon the <br /> award of a group life insurance bid by the Board of Public Works or <br /> the beginning of the plan year, whichever is later. <br /> SECTION V. VACATIONS. Vacations shall be earned as set <br /> forth below: <br /> A. All city officers and employees who were employed by the <br /> City on December 31, 1986, and have been employed continuously since, <br /> shall be subject to the following vacation schedule for 1990, 1991 <br /> and 1992: <br /> YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE DAYS OF VACATION <br /> 1 but less than 5 10 <br /> 5 but less than 8 12 <br /> 8 but less than 16 15 <br /> 16 but less than 20 20 <br /> 20 but less than 25 26 <br /> 25 or more 28 <br /> B. All other city officers and employees shall be subject <br /> to the following vacation schedule for 1990, 1991 and 1992: <br /> YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE DAYS OF VACATION <br /> 0 - 1 year 0 working days <br /> 1 - 2 years 5 working days <br /> 3 - 4 years 10 working days <br /> 5 - 10 years 12 working days <br /> 11 - 15 years 15 working days <br /> 16 - 19 years 17 working days <br /> 20 - 24 years 20 working days <br /> 25 or more years 22 working days <br /> SECTION VI . HOLIDAYS. The Board of Public Works shall <br /> determine the holidays to which officers and employees shall be <br /> entitled. Officers and employees shall receive ten ( 10) holidays per <br /> year; nine ( 9) of those holidays shall be as designated by the Board <br /> of Public Works and the remaining one ( 1) holiday shall be as <br /> selected by the officer or employee, with the consent of the <br /> employer, from the following non-designated holidays: <br /> Washington' s Birthday <br /> Lincoln' s Birthday <br /> Martin Luther King' s Birthday <br /> Columbus Day <br /> Employee' s Birthday <br /> SECTION VII. MERIT BONUS. The maximum sum of Fifty <br /> Thousand Dollars ($50,000. 00) in 1990, One Hundred Thousand Dollars <br /> ($100,000.00) in 1991, and One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars <br /> ( $150,000. 00) in 1992 shall be made available for the payment of <br /> merit bonuses for non-probationary, non-bargaining, non-temporary <br /> employees occupying positions normally requiring 600 or more hours of <br /> service per year. Said amount shall be allocated among the various <br /> City Departments in accordance with the specified percentage of the <br /> total salaries for all qualifying employees within each department as <br /> of October 15 of each year. That specified percentage shall be 0. 5% <br /> in 1990, 1. 0% in 1991, and 1. 5% in 1992. <br /> The money allocated to each department may be awarded to <br />