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i A <br /> T A <br /> SECTION II. SICK LEAVE. Sick leave will be accrued at the <br /> rate of eight ( 8) days per year, to be calculated at 2/3 day for each <br /> month of completed employment. Employees hired prior to December 31, <br /> 1986 may maintain sick time accumulated. Effective January 1, 1987 <br /> their maximum allowable accrual will be sixty-five ( 65) days. <br /> Employees hired after January 1, 1987 will accrue sick leave at the <br /> rate of eight ( 8) days per year, or 2/3 day per month, with a maximum <br /> allowable accural of forty-five ( 45) days. <br /> SECTION III. HEALTH CARE INSURANCE COMMITTEE. <br /> The Health Care Insurance Committee shall continue to <br /> operate in an advisory capacity to and under the direction of the <br /> City Controller. This Board shall be composed of representatives of <br /> each bargaining unit, together with representatives of non-bargaining <br /> employees within the City of South Bend. It shall be the <br /> responsibility of the Board to review, under the direction of the <br /> City Controller, on a regular basis the activities of the City' s <br /> Health Care Insurance Program. <br /> SECTION IV. ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INDEMNITY. <br /> A. ILLNESS OR DISABILITY. An employee will be paid short <br /> term disability benefits of one hundred dollars ( $100.00) per week <br /> for a maximum of seventeen (17) weeks beginning at the later of the <br /> date following the date on which all accrued sick leave is exhausted <br /> or the 16th day of illness or disability. Long term disability <br /> benefit coverage will provide eligible employees with disability <br /> benefits in an amount equal to sixty percent ( 60%) of an employee's <br /> monthly compensation, but said sum shall not be in excess of One <br /> Thousand Dollars ($1000. 00) per month. The eligibility and terms and <br /> conditions of the long-term disability program shall be contained in <br /> a pamphlet which shall be distributed to each officer and employee. <br /> B. HEALTH INSURANCE. <br /> 1. Employee contribution. The contribution by employees for <br /> single health insurance coverage for the self funded insurance <br /> program of the City of South Bend shall be ten dollars ( $10.00) in <br /> plan year 1990. The contribution for dependent coverage shall be <br /> Twenty-one and 98/100 dollars ( $21. 98) in plan year 1990. The <br /> monthly employee contribution for both single and dependent coverage <br /> in plan years 1991 and 1992, shall include an additional charge of <br /> twenty percent ( 20%) of any premium increase charged for that <br /> respective plan year. <br /> 2. In an effort to control health care costs, the City' s <br /> current health insurance package shall be modified beginning with the <br /> 1990 plan year to provide a program containing comprehensive major <br /> medical health insurance that includes a $500 annual deductible and <br /> subject to an 80/20 coinsurance payment to a limit of $1200 per year <br /> excluding any fee charged in excess of the then prevailing rates of <br /> medical services as established by the Health Insurance Carrier for <br /> the City of South Bend. <br /> 3 . Cafeteria Plan Contribution. The City shall contribute <br /> Five Hundred Dollars ( $500. 00) to each employee' s individual health <br /> spending account. The contribution shall be made annually on the <br /> first Monday of the plan year. This amount will be prorated for <br /> qualifying part-time employees. <br /> 4 . The City shall pay Thirty Dollars ( $30. 00) per month to any <br /> employee who elects to leave the City' s insurance program to be <br /> covered by another program for which the City makes no contribution. <br /> This election shall not be mandatory and the employee may return to <br /> • <br />