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• <br /> t <br /> SECTION II. Annual Pay. <br /> (a) Annual pay for the Officers and other sworn <br /> members of the South Bend Police Department, by rank, for <br /> calendar years 1990, 1991, and 1992, shall be as follows: <br /> Rank 1990 1991 1992 <br /> Police Chief $40,455 40,950 42, 150 <br /> Division Chiefs 36,780 37,280 38,250 <br /> Captains 32,580 33, 080 34, 050 <br /> Lieutenants 26,335 26,485 27, 300 <br /> Sergeants 25, 185 25, 335 26, 150 <br /> Corporals 23,735 24,085 25, 035 <br /> Patrolmen First Class 20, 071 20,256 21, 206 <br /> Although Recruits are not sworn members of the South <br /> Bend Police Department, the Common Council hereby <br /> establishes their annual pay as follows: <br /> 1990 1991 1992 <br /> Recruits $18, 000 $18,000 $18,250 <br /> (b) In the event that a Local Option Income Tax <br /> becomes effective and tax income from the Local Option <br /> Income Tax is received by the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br /> in 1991 and 1992, each rank listed in subsection (a) herein <br /> shall receive $280. 00 over its listed salary base in 1992 <br /> only, which shall not be attributed to the annual salary <br /> base for pension purposes. <br /> SECTION III. Additional Areas of Compensation. <br /> (a) Maximum Amounts: <br /> All monetary areas addressed in this section are <br /> maximum amounts permitted each calendar year. <br /> (b) Court time: <br /> If a sworn member of the South Bend Police <br /> Department is subpoenaed to court or is ordered to appear at <br /> any given location to validate a complaint or warrant, and <br /> if that sworn member is off-duty, that sworn member shall be <br /> paid overtime. Such court time pay shall be paid at the <br /> overtime rate of pay. Such sworn members shall receive a <br /> minimum of four (4) hours of pay for appearing on their <br /> scheduled day off; and a minimum of two (2) hours of pay for <br /> appearing when off duty on a regular scheduled work day. <br /> (c) Overtime: <br /> A sworn member who is required to remain on duty <br /> in excess of the regularly scheduled work day, shall be <br /> entitled to overtime pay. Such sworn member shall be paid <br /> at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times his or her <br /> normal rate of pay. Overtime shall be calculated by <br /> quarter-hour increments. <br /> (d) Holiday Pay: <br /> Officers and sworn member shall be entitled to <br /> receive sixty-two dollars ($62.00) for each of the annual <br />