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Proposed Scope of Work <br />The primary intent of this scope of work is to estimate the economic and fiscal impacts attributable to <br />the Century Center, the Morris Theater for Performing Arts, and the Palais Royale, in a manner that is <br />consistent with your anticipated budget for this study. As a result, we will provide a preliminary set of <br />impact analyses for the facilities in a consistent format, utilizing all actual past data that is available. <br />We will also provide analyses of similar markets that have a similar collection of public assets, and <br />comment on implications related to operations and management. Our analysis will also include a <br />benchmarking analysis of the Century Center in relation to other similar convention centers. These <br />will also be prepared in a manner that will assist the work of the group of community stakeholders, <br />and would inform later tasks to help guide the planning for an improved downtown South Bend. We <br />also provide a menu of options regarding other potential services. <br />The following describes our proposed scope of work, based on our understanding of your needs and <br />our conversations with you. <br />Task 1 — Project Kickoff <br />In this task, we will meet with client representatives and will begin to identify, accumulate, and <br />analyze relevant information. Soon after selection, we will meet with client representatives and others <br />in South Bend to complete the following tasks, among others: <br />• Final agreement on scope of work, timing, and other matters, <br />• Meetings with stakeholders, such as client representatives, facility management and staff, <br />public officials, and others, <br />• Data collection and identification of appropriate contacts, and <br />• Tours of the relevant facilities, downtown South Bend, and the surrounding area. <br />Task 2 — Economic and Fiscal Impact Analyses of Facility Operations <br />The intent of the economic and fiscal impact analyses will be to measure various impacts attributable <br />to the presence and operations of the Century Center, Morris Theater for Performing Arts, and the <br />Palais Royale. These impacts will be quantified at the City level, and all three facilities will be <br />analyzed and documented separately in our report. As much as possible, assumptions will be based <br />on actual historical information from facility operations (such as events, attendance, attendee days, <br />revenues and expenses, ticket sales by location, and others), including past studies completed for the <br />facilities, and supplemented, as needed, from our experience with similar facilities in other markets as <br />well as data from groups such as Destination Marketing Association International, the Convention <br />Industry Council, Americans for the Arts, and local and state tourism departments. <br />