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• <br /> continuing North 65° 36' 10" East a distance of <br /> 28.12 feet; thence North 70° 35' 10" East a <br /> distance of 7.75 feet to an intersection with the <br /> southerly extension of the centerline of Greenlawn <br /> Avenue; thence North 00° 20' 25" West along said <br /> southerly extension of the centerline of Greenlawn <br /> Avenue, a distance of 192. 58 feet; thence North <br /> 89° 34' 55" West a distance of 33 . 00 feet to the <br /> Point of Beginning and containing 4.241 acres, <br /> more or less. This description being subject to <br /> all leases, easements, and rights of way of public <br /> record, <br /> more commonly referred to as "Northside." <br /> SECTION II . That the City of South Bend owns the following <br /> described property situated in St. Joseph County: <br /> A part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter <br /> of Section 32, Township 38 North, Range 3 East <br /> described as follows: Beginning at a point on the <br /> North line of the South Half of said Southwest <br /> Quarter, 399.00 feet East of the Northwest corner <br /> of said South Half; thence North 90°00' 00" East <br /> along the North line of said South Half 648.00 <br /> feet; thence South 00°21' 41" West, parallel with <br /> the West line of said Section 32, 661. 03 feet; <br /> thence North 89°59' 50" West, 403 . 00 feet; thence <br /> North 00°21' 41" East, parallel with the West line <br /> of said Section 32 114.00 feet; thence North <br /> 89°59' 50" West, 115.00 feet; thence North <br /> 00°21' 41" East, parallel with the West line of <br /> said Section 32, 253 .00 feet; thence North <br /> 89°59 ' 50" Westm 130.00 feet; thence North <br /> 00°21' 41" East, parallel with the West line of <br /> said Section 32, 294.00 feet to the point of <br /> beginning. This parcel contains 8.43 acres, more <br /> or less, and is subject to legal highway and all <br /> restrictions and easements of record, <br /> more commonly referred to as'-Maple Lane` <br /> SECTION III. That Northside has not been used for Park purposes <br /> since at least May 18, 1952, on which date the Park Board executed a <br /> lease with the United States of America for the use and occupancy of <br /> Northside for Army Reserve activities. <br /> SECTION IV. That the Park Board does not contemplate use of <br /> Northside for Park purposes, that Northside is not required for Park <br /> purposes, and that on November 20, 1989, the Park Board adopted a <br /> resolution authorizing the sale of Northside in order to facilitate <br /> the relocation of the United States Army Reserve operation currently <br /> housed at Northside, and to facilitate the acquisition of Northside <br /> by Indiana University for expansion of its South Bend campus. <br /> SECTION V. That the Common Council of the City of South Bend <br /> hereby finds it to be in the best interests of the City of South Bend <br /> and South Bend Park Department: <br /> 1. That title to Northside be transferred from the Municipal <br /> City of South Bend for the use of its Park Department and/or Board of <br /> Park Commissioners to the City of South Bend, Indiana, pursuant to <br /> I .C. 36-10-4-9(c) ( 8) and 36-10-4-18 . <br />