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It has been determined that the Foundation could accomplish the <br /> required construction more quickly and efficiently than the City. <br /> Since the construction scheme proposed by the Army requires the party <br /> contracting for the construction work to own the site to be improved <br /> (Maple Lane) , it is proposed to transfer Maple Lane to the <br /> Foundation. However, since the exchange agreement calls for an <br /> exchange of the Northside leasehold and improvements for Maple Lane, <br /> one party must hold title to both Northside and Maple Lane. <br /> Consequently, it has been proposed that both Northside and Maple <br /> Lane would be transferred to the Foundation, with the Foundation <br /> standing in place of the City once Maple Lane and Northside are <br /> transferred to it. <br /> As is noted above, there are $500,000 in expenses the City and/or <br /> Foundation have to contribute to the project beyond the value of <br /> Maple Lane, itself. Northside has been appraised at or near this <br /> cost. It has been proposed that upon release by the Army of its <br /> leasehold and transfer to the Foundation of title to the improvements <br /> located thereupon, the Foundation shall sell Northside to IUSB for <br /> $500,000 . The $500,000 would then be used to reimburse the City and <br /> Foundation for expenses incurred by both in facilitating this <br /> project. <br /> The Northside Boulevard Armory has not been used for Park <br /> purposes since at least May 18, 1952, and the plans of the Park Board <br /> have not and do not contemplate the use of the Northside Boulevard <br /> Armory for Park purposes. On November 20, 1989, the Board of Park <br /> Commissioners for the City of South Bend memorialized its intentions <br /> with respect to the Northside Boulevard Armory in a Resolution <br /> authorizing its sale in order to facilitate the relocation of the <br /> United States Army Reserve operation housed there, and to facilitate <br /> the acquisition of the Northside Boulevard Armory by Indiana <br /> University. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br /> OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> SECTION I. That the City owns for the use of the Park Department <br /> and/or Board of Park Commissioners the following described property, <br /> situated in St. Joseph County: <br /> A part of the West Half (WI ) of the Northeast <br /> Quarter (NE* ) of Section Eighteen ( 18) , Township <br /> Thirty Seven ( 37) North, Range Three ( 3 ) East, <br /> Portage Township, all in the City of South Bend, <br /> St. Joseph County, Indiana, and more particularly <br /> described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot No. 24 in <br /> Miksell' s G.W. First Addition in South Bend, <br /> Indiana (Plat Book No. 8, Page 137, St. Joseph <br /> County) , said corner being on the southerly <br /> extension of the west right of way line of a <br /> public street (now known as Greenlawn Avenue) ; <br /> thence North 89°34 ' 55" West (Assumed Bearing) <br /> along the south line of said Lot No. 24 a distance <br /> of 141.85 feet; thence along the south line of a <br /> 14 foot alley South 78°53 ' 00" West a distance of <br /> 364. 59 feet; thence South 00°20 ' 25" East a <br /> distance of 370. 19 feet; thence South 62°12 ' 25" <br /> East a distance of 177. 06 feet to the northern <br /> right of way line of a public street (now known as <br /> Northside Boulevard) ; thence continuing along said <br /> nnrthorn ri r-rhi- of c.rmcr l i no F4 crc ( Si 1 <br />