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r 4"r <br /> ORDINANCE NO. g I a-q I <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br /> THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIAN A, AMENDING <br /> VARIOUS SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 7, <br /> OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF <br /> SOUTH BEND, COMMONLY KNOWN AS BUDGETARY <br /> PROCEDURES <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> On April 1, 1991, the City began implementing a new computer <br /> software system that includes an integrated budget component. This <br /> budget component allows for different output of the budget requests <br /> and these revised budget procedures are intended to provide greater <br /> organization for the elected officials who must review and approve <br /> the budget. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, as follows: <br /> SECTION I. Section 2-87 and 2-88 of the South Bend Municipal <br /> Code are hereby deleted in their entirety and amended to read as <br /> follows: <br /> ARTICLE 7. Budgetary and Salary Procedures <br /> Section 2-87 Proposed Budget Information. <br /> (a) It shall be the duty of the City Controller to prepare a <br /> budget estimate for the ensuing budget year in accordance with <br /> applicable state law, and provisions of this article. <br /> (b) The City Controller shall file twelve (12) copies of the <br /> proposed budget with the Chairperson of the Personnel and Finance <br /> Committee of the Common Council at the time the budget ordinance is <br /> filed. <br /> (c) The following information shall be included within the <br /> budget book: <br /> 1) Departmental budgets detailing departmental. <br /> justifications for budget line item requests. Each <br /> budget justification will include a detailed <br /> description of the request, any requested personnel <br /> changes, (position upgrades, position additions, <br /> deletions, etc. ) , and reasons for any major <br /> increases or decreases from the prior year. <br /> 2) Departmental budgets detailing requests by line item <br /> within the four standard budgetary object or expense <br /> classifications. <br /> 3 ) Departmental budgets summarized by the four (4) <br /> standard budgetary object or expense <br /> classifications: <br /> (a) Personal services. Includes direct labor costs <br /> of city employees and related employee benefits. <br /> (b) Supplies. Includes fuels, stationery, general <br /> institutional articles, etc. purchased and used <br /> by the city. <br />