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Opening of Quotes - Curb & Sidewalk Repair Proj No. 120-001A - TX Concrete, LLC
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Opening of Quotes/Proposals
Opening of Quotes - Curb & Sidewalk Repair Proj No. 120-001A - TX Concrete, LLC
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11/24/2020 6:52:19 PM
Creation date
11/24/2020 6:49:57 PM
Board of Public Works
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<br />Version 2/14/2020 Page - 7 Public Works Quote <br /> <br /> <br />5. The concrete sidewalk subgrade shall be the native soil, graded and compacted to 95% Standard <br />Proctor density. In locations where the subgrade needs to be raised to the proper elevation, the <br />contractor shall provide additional B Borrow. The cost of B Borrow and grading shall not be paid <br />for separately, but shall be included on the cost of concrete sidewalk. <br />6. Expansion joints shall be placed at a maximum spacing of 40 ft., interfaces between new and <br />existing concrete, and at any additional locations as shown on the City of South Bend “Design and <br />Construction Standards.” <br />7. Payment for joints and joint materials will not be paid for directly but shall be included in the cost of <br />the concrete sidewalk. <br />8. Transverse control joints shall be placed at equal intervals at a maximum of 5 ft. <br />9. The use of slag or local aggregate will not be permitted. <br />10. Cross slope for all concrete sidewalks shall be a maximum of 1.5%. <br />11. Contractor shall replace concrete sidewalks to the nearest existing joint. <br />12. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate drainage exists once new concrete sidewalks are <br />installed. The Contractor shall ensure that low spots do not exist and that water can flow to existing <br />inlets similar to pre-existing conditions. <br />13. If tree roots are encountered and must be removed due to grades, the contractor shall contact a <br />representative from the City of South Bend Engineering Division. Tree roots shall not be removed <br />without the on-site approval of the Engineer. The cost of root removal shall not be paid for <br />separately but shall be included on the cost of other items. <br />14. Payment shall be made at the Unit Price specified in the Proposal as follows: <br />CONCRETE SIDEWALK, 4-INCH…………….SY <br /> <br />XXII. CONCRETE CURB, REMOVE <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: 2020, INDOT Standard Specifications Sections 202 <br />B. Additions: <br />1. The pay item CONCRETE CURB, REMOVE, shall include removing the full depth of existing curb <br />in accordance with the plans and special provisions herein. <br />2. Removal limits shall include all areas designated on the plans for new concrete curb. Precise <br />removal limits shall be coordinated with the Engineer prior to starting work at each location. The <br />Contractor shall dispose of the removed sidewalk at an offsite disposal site properly licensed to <br />receive such material. Removed material shall not be stockpiled at the work location and shall be <br />disposed daily. The cost of hauling of materials offsite shall not be paid for separately, but included <br />in the cost of concrete curb removal. The Contractor shall be responsible for preventing any <br />removed materials from entering any storm drains. <br />3. Concrete or other items outside the removal limits damaged by the Contractor or any <br />subcontractors during the removal process will be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the <br />Engineer at no additional cost. <br />4. Saw cuts required for removal shall not be paid for separately, but included in the cost of the <br />removal items. <br />5. Payment shall be made at the Unit Price specified in the Proposal as follows: <br />CONCRETE CURB, REMOVE………………. LF <br /> <br /> <br />XXVII. CONCRETE CURB, MODIFIED <br />A. Prevailing Specifications: 2020, INDOT Standard Specifications Sections 605 <br />B. Additions: <br />1. The pay item CONCRETE CURB, MODIFIED shall include installing new curb in accordance with <br />the plans and special provisions herein. <br />2. The contractor shall minimize the area of disturbances not included in the plans. All areas disturbed <br />within the right of way that are not paved shall receive Kentucky Bluegrass seeding or an approved <br />mixture of Kentucky Bluegrass. The seeding shall be applied in a mixture of water and mulching <br />material in accordance with INDOT Standard Specifications section 621. The contractor is <br />responsible for watering for thirty (30) days after placement of the seed. The cost of seeding and <br />watering will not be paid for separately, but shall be included in the cost of the concrete curb. <br /> <br />
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