Laserfiche WebLink
Djuz!pg!Tpvui!Cfoe <br />Sfrvftu!gps!Rvbmjgjdbujpot <br />uif!qsjdjoh!tusvduvsf!)nbsl!vq!dpwfsjoh!pwfsifbe!boe!qspgju*!pg!uif!Rvbmjgjfe! <br />Qspwjefs!boe!tvcdpousbdupst/!!Fyqmbjo!zpvs!gjsn“t!bqqspbdi!up!pqfo!cppl!qsjdjoh! <br />bmmpxjoh!uif!Djuz!up!wjfx!uif!dpoujohfodz!gps!uif!qspkfdu/!!Fyqmbjo!zpvs!gjsn“t! <br />bqqspbdi!up!pqfo!cppl!qsjdjoh!bmmpxjoh!uif!Djuz!up!wjfx!tbwjoht!gspn!wbmvf! <br />fohjoffsjoh!ps!puifs!qspkfdu!dptu!sfevdujpot/ <br />regarding subcontractors, we could recommend a way that the open book model would go one level <br />The contingency is tracked on the last page of the open book tracking sheet allowing the team to <br />decide what deductions and additions get made and at what time. Additions would be savings <br />related to Value engineering or cost reductions of individual budget items. <br />Any project savings discovered after the GMP will be reported in our bi-weekly or monthly “buy <br />sheet/open-book tracking sheet”, whichever the City decides. This document is distributed to all <br />team members before those progress meetings and discussed as a team during the meetings. If <br />savings are realized via value engineering, production increases or just buy-out savings, the team <br />will be able to discuss where to allocate those funds. As an example, an open book pricing sheet <br />f*!!Qspwjef!qsppg!uibu!uif!Qspwjefs!dbo!gvsojti!b!Qfsgpsnbodf!Cpoe!boe!b!Qbznfou! <br />Cpoe!fbdi!jo!uif!bnpvou!pg!211!qfsdfou!pg!uif!qspkfdu/ <br />Bowen has been bonding projects in Indiana without an issue for the past 53 years. Please see a <br />Uiftf!uxp!qjduvsft!pg!uif!Pmjwf!Tusffu!XUQ!qspkfdu!tipxt!uif! <br />rvbmjuz!pg!xpsl!epof!cz!pvs!Opsuifso!Joejbob!ufbn!xijmf! <br />tujmm!qspwjejoh!b!ubjmpsfe!tpmvujpo/!!Bmm!xpsl!xbt!dpnqmfufe! <br />xjuijo!uif!Djuz“t!cvehfu/ <br />$2!Qspwjefs!pg!Joejbob!Xbufs0Xbtufxbufs!HTDt <br /> <br />