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Fund in Clerk's Office <br />AUG <br />JhWN M. JONES <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, <br />FOR USE OF THE DESIGNATING GODY <br />We Ind mal the applicant meals the general standards In the resolution adopted or to be adopted by this body. Said resolution, passed or to be passed <br />under IC 6-1.1-12.1, provides for the following imitations. <br />A. The designated area has been limited to a period of time not to exceed calendar years• (see below). The dale this designation <br />expires is <br />B. The type of deduction thatis allowed In the designated area is Ilmlted to: <br />1. Redevelopment or mhataHlallon of real estate Improvements ❑ Yes ❑ No <br />2 Residentially distressed areas C] Yes ❑No <br />C. The amount of the deduction applicable Is limited to b <br />D. Other Writers or conditions (apecsfyf <br />E. Number of years allowed: ❑ Year s [1 Year 2 C] Year 3 ❑Yew4 [3 Year 5(' see below) <br />❑ Year s ❑ Yew 7 0Yars ❑Yearg [3 Year 10 <br />F For a statement of benefits approved soar June 3Q 2013, dict this designating body adopt an abatement schedule per IC 61.1-02.1477 <br />Yes [] No <br />If yes, attach a copy of the abatement schedule to this forth. <br />If no, the dealgneting body is required to establish an abatement schedule before the deduction can be determined. <br />We have also reviewed the informatlon contained in the statement of benefit and find that the esdmales and expectations are reasonable and have <br />determined that the totality of banaAN Is sufficient to Dustily the deduction described shove. <br />APPnevea(flpnetun end filo a/aepwmd,nwMer d dadilex,; Addy) <br />Te,licse number <br />pee aynee (morin, day, yaad <br />Prxead rums tleuawmxa0 mambas WeWpnablp eddy <br />Nama breugnalbg bevy <br />Alleebe by (Ngni lum and ape ofaaesoy <br />PO'sid Mme Nateaer <br />' If the elasIgnoting bady limits the time pedod during wNch an area Is an economlc revile zsllon ares, that limitation does not limit the lentil of 1l me a <br />taxpayer Is anit(Is d to receive a dedupten to a number of years that Is less than me number of years designated under IC 6- <br />A. For residentially distressed areas where the Form SB-VReal Propend was approved pdor to July 1, 2013, the deducllana established In IC <br />6- remain In eaed. The deduction period may not exceed five (5) years. Fora Form SB-jlReal Property that Is approved a8er June 30, <br />2013, the designating body Is required to establish an abatement schedule for each deduction allowed. The deduction period may not exceed ten <br />(10) yawn. (See IC &1.1-121-17 below.) <br />B. For the redevelopment or rah inflImon of reel property where the Farm S&11Beat Property was approved plot to Jury$, 2013, the abatement <br />schedule approved by the designating body remains In eased. Fore Form S&1IReal Property that Is approved after June 30, 2013, the dealgnwing <br />body le required to establish an sbalemenlachedule for each deduction allowed. (See IC &1.1-12.1-17 below.) <br />]CO -1.1-12.1-17 <br />Abatement schedules <br />Sao. 17. (a) A dealgnabng body may provide to a business that Is established In or allocated to a revllaloatlen area and met receives a deduction under <br />section 4 or 4.5 of this chapter an abatement schedule based an the following factors: <br />(1) The total amount of the laxpayees Investment In real and personal property. <br />(2) The number of new lull -time equivalent jobs created. <br />(3) The average wage of the new employees compared to the stale minimum wage. <br />(4) The lnirasbuolure requirements for the taxpayer's Investment. <br />(b) This subsection applies W a stefemenl of benefits approved after June 30, 2013. Adesignating body shell establish an abatement schedule <br />for each deductlon allowed under this chapter. An abatement schedule must specify the percentage amount of the deduction for each year of <br />the deduction. Ah abatement schedule may not exceed ten (10) years. <br />(c) An abatement schedule approved for a particular taxpayer before July 1,2013, remains In ededunfY the abatement schedule expires under <br />the tame of the resolution approving the taxpayees statement oflumefits. <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />