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Filed in C e:rk's Okioe <br />AUG I d ZU'W <br />STATEMENT OF BENEFITS DAWN M. JOE I 2o_aav:p_ <br />-. REAL ESTATE IMPROVEMENTS CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IN <br />5W(a Fera 51/57 (RSI 10-14) FORM SEA r Real Property, <br />Prescribed by Me Depadmenl of t-onel Government Finance PRIVACYNOTICE <br />This Aslemem is being coropkled for real property Matti uall0es undo the following Indiana Code (check ane box): Any mantes, mnnmns the o•N <br />❑ Redevelopment or rehabfNlailon of real estate Improvements (IC 6-1 1-12,1-4) or the nmoa,h and.p.viac "sent <br />m Residentially rYsbessed area (IC &1.1-12.14.1) pPraeteP eNr wInaIrMUY smgoyeaaby au <br />I I awn II eoiAaaneal aw <br />INSTRUCTIONS: <br />aaq 12.1.S <br />1. TNsslafemenl must be Submitted to the badydes/gnaling the Ecsnomc Rewtahzahan Area pnw to the pubac heanng 1f Me designaHrg body requires <br />arlorme/inn tan the applcenf /n mapnp rs deuskn eboul whelharlo desgnete en Economic RevifNizeflonRma. Ofeeenv/se, MIS siafBmemmustb , <br />submitted to Me designaHngbody BEFORE Mm redevelopment ormhobilitalbn ofma/pmperlyrerwh/ch Mepenon wishes to claim a ceeduchm <br />2. The slafementorbeneles form naWu subml9ed to the designating body and the arae MNignaled an economic revileazethn me bakes The, efebon of <br />Memdavekpmenfarmbab*taWnhrw hMepeaandes/mstoa21madeduclion <br />3. To colas, a dectudk-,, a Form 322ME must he Nod with line CounyAudifx"hm May 10 in the yewM which the add4lon to Massaed va/uathbo Is <br />Made or naf fatertlem body (30) days after The assessment notice ismaded h the property awnereg was maged eller ApN 10. Apmpedyownerwho <br />feAtd m gin a deduction appgrat/m within the pmsenbed desdlrro may like en epPgcallan between March 1 and,Yay 10 ofa subsagUaN year. <br />4. AprWady owner who files loathe decoction mustprovide the County Audgorand desgnating body with a Form CF-IrRealProperfy Tlmr-wm CF -Weal <br />Property shouMbe affachad to the Form 32ZPE when the deduNion 6 rot cW'med am/than updated anmr,4 /or each year Me deduction is epplemill, <br />/C 9.1.1-12.1-5.1(h) <br />S Far a Fane SB-1rReel Pm Lady, that is appmvad after June 30, 2013, The designating body is mquimd to esmbReh an abatement schedwe kr each <br />dedocfion AN vard. For a Form SB-IVAaw Property that is approved prior to Juy 1, 2013, the abatement schedule approved by the deslgm log body <br />mmelns /n elect. IC 61.1-12.1-12 <br />ammonwealth Development Corporation of America <br />. a Imwnw ImasbarrrM~ ft war. m ztpawe/ —._ <br />447 University Ave. Suite 210, Middleton, WI 53562 <br />we, of wmecr P.I. �^lealwnenumEer EinW wona <br />Jonathan Nes6urg 231) 360-7186 ) <br />PROPOSEDSFCTION 2 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF <br />Nem• Wlw y <br />•wUSOnnumber <br />City of South Bend, Indiana <br />p1° unp LcF elsvim lumen, <br />505, 507, 511 and 513 S Michigan St. Joseph <br />auwpmaroa Pmperry momvementa. neo-wl•pmnr, orrwaamtlentuetl}aenlfMM9me•aaerYl tmataa emit 4ete (mo nM, day wean <br />• 9/16/2021 -.—I <br />ew construction of 60 affordable rental units targeting tenants at or below 80% of AMI e.m,w,aev,emua eaelmenm I <br />n,mae. lease. jam,.;. , ,. <br />57,694 <br />Guarani wakes <br />Pluseallmated values orproilmed project <br />041445 <br />I LasaveIMs o/any properly being replaced <br />_I <br />I <br />Nei esonat"I •ji,o s upon comoieiion of wotecl <br />_I <br />1,041,445 <br />Estimated solld waste convened (pnurCs) _ -_ _ <br />Esllmated hazardous waste converted (pounds) <br />III <br />mar bwa0m <br />SECTION.TAXPAYER CERTIFICATION <br />by certify I at the mpmsentaabns in this statement am true. <br />of aunpmnn%a a�Oil712maarapmaseraEworgan <br />p0st! <br />Authorized Agent <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />File r, In Clerk's <br />AUG '19 2020 <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IN <br />