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South Bend Fire Department <br />CommanderChassis <br />·Mounts allowing the entire radiator to drop through the framefor servicewhen needed - No <br />Exceptions <br />·Engine placement shall provide a minimum of 8”between theenginefanand radiator to <br />maximize the airflowand cooling of the engine. <br />·A Spin on Element water filter with corrosion inhibitor shall be provided for the cooling system. <br />No Exception. <br />·The coolant filter shall be provided with two (2) shut off valves, one(1) one inlet and one (1) <br />outlet. No Exception. <br />·Cooling system shall be tested and certified by the engine manufacturer <br />COOLANT HOSES <br />Thecoolingsystemshoseshallbeformedsiliconehoseandformedaluminizedsteeltubingand <br />include constant tensionspring clamps. <br />ENGINE COOLANT <br />ThecoolingpackageshallincludeExtendedLifeCoolant(ELC).TheuseofELCprovideslonger <br />intervalsbetweencoolantchangesoverstandardcoolantsprovidingimprovedperformance.The <br />coolantshallcontaina50/50mixofethyleneglycolandde-ionizedwatertokeepthecoolantfrom <br />freezing to a temperature of -34 degreesF. <br />Supplemental coolant additives (SCA) are not required as this is part of the extended lifecoolant <br />makeup. <br />One (1)Coolant ValveShut Off Valve w/Connection - For Additional Heater <br />06-04-4010 <br />ADDITIONAL COOLANT SHUT OFF VALVE <br />An additional coolant shut off valve with connection shall be installed in the chassis coolant lines <br />with a connector. This shall allow for the installation of an additional heater such asa pump <br />compartment heater without draining the coolant system. <br />10039-001609/02/20 <br />66 <br />PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version <br /> <br />