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Bonds will be considered. The opinion of Bond Counsel approving the legality of the 2004 <br />Bonds will be furnished to the purchaser at the expense of the City. <br />(e) The 2004 Bonds shall be awarded by the Controller to the best bidder who has <br />submitted its bid in accordance with the terms of this Ordinance, IC 5-1-11, as amended, and the <br />notice. The best bidder will be the one who offers the lowest interest cost to the City, to be <br />determined by computing the total interest on all of the 2004 Bonds to their maturities and <br />deducting the premium bid, if any, or adding thereto the discount bid, if any. The right to reject <br />any and all bids shall be reserved. If an acceptable bid is not received on the date of sale, the sale <br />may be continued from day to day thereafter without further advertisement for a period of thirty <br />(30) days, during which time, no bid which provides a higher net interest cost to the City than the <br />best bid received at the time of the advertised sale will be considered. <br />(f) Upon the consummation of the sale of the 2004 Bonds, the Controller is hereby <br />authorized and directed to (i) to collect from the purchaser the purchase price for the 2004 Bonds; <br />(ii) deliver the 2004 Bonds to the purchaser; and (iii) take the purchaser's receipt for the 2004 <br />Bonds. The amount to be collected from the purchaser shall be the full amount which the <br />purchaser has agreed to pay therefor, which shall be not less than 99°Io of the face value of the <br />2004 Bonds (exclusive of original issue discount) plus accrued interest to the date of delivery. <br />(g) The 2004 Bonds, when fully paid for and delivered to the purchasers, shall be the <br />binding special revenue obligations of the City, payable out of the Net Revenues of the City's <br />Sewage Works to be set aside into the Sinking Fund as herein provided. <br />SECTION 8. Use of Bond Proceeds. Any accrued interest and premium received at the <br />time of delivery of the 2004 Bonds shall be deposited in the Debt Service Account of the Sinking <br />Fund described below and shall be applied to the payment of interest on the 2004 Bonds on the <br />earliest interest payment dates. The remaining proceeds received from the sale of the 2004 Bonds <br />shall be deposited in a bank or banks which are legally qualified depositories of the funds of the <br />City, in a special account to be designated as the "City of South Bend, Indiana, 2004 Sewage <br />Works Construction Account" (the "Project Frntd'). The proceeds deposited in the Project Fund <br />shall be expended only for the purpose of paying the cost of the Project and the costs of issuance <br />of the 2004 Bonds. Any balance remaining in the Project Fund after the completion of the <br />Project, which is not required to meet unpaid obligations incurred in connection therewith or to <br />pay the costs of issuance of the 2004 Bonds, may be used to pay debt service on the 2004 Bonds <br />or otherwise used as permitted by law. <br />SECTION 9. Official Statement and Continuing_Disclosure Agreement. <br />(a) The distribution of the Preliminary Official Statement related to the 2004 Bonds <br />(the "Preliminary Official Statement") and the final Official Statement related to the 2004 Bonds <br />(the "Official Statement") to be prepared by Crowe Chizek, on behalf of the City, is hereby <br />authorized and approved and the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the Official <br />Statement on behalf of the City in a form consistent with this Ordinance. The Mayor or the <br />Controller is authorized to deem the Preliminary Official Statement as "final" for purposes of <br />Rule 15c2 12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Rule"). <br />-10- <br />