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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 18, 2000 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />b. continued... <br />and make any type of public <br />improvements which are necessary <br />in order to enable this to happen and <br />then dissolve the tax increment. Then <br />the resolution states that the TIF <br />distict will be dissolved by the end of <br />2015. But if we determine that we do <br />not need to keep it that long <br />[inaudible]. Mr. Brademas stated <br />"Those property tax situations have <br />always concerned me, since I have <br />done a study and found that we have <br />1, 600 plus properties in St. Joseph <br />County which are tax exempt. A <br />significant number of them clearly <br />do not meet the requirements of the <br />State law and that means that all of <br />the people that pay taxes in St. <br />Joseph County are picking up the tab <br />for (inaudible) and things of that <br />nature. " <br />Mr. Brademas also stated that "The <br />whole concept is that the increase in <br />taxes over and above when the TIF <br />District was declared, you build a lot <br />of buildings which are not on the tax <br />roll, there cannot be money coming <br />in to pay for your public <br />improvements. That means any <br />public improvements that you put in <br />have to be paid through some other <br />means. " Mrs. Kolata stated that, <br />"Or they don't go in on the schedule <br />which they would like for them to go <br />in. " Mr. Brademas stated that, "I'm <br />-24- <br />