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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 18, 2000 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />b. continued... <br />Mr. Brademas asked if 100 Navarre <br />Place would pay property taxes. <br />Mrs. Kolata responded that it would. <br />Mr. Brademas stated "According to <br />the report Indiana TIF Stud v. the <br />base year, the year the TIF District <br />is established, I'm assuming we're <br />talking about the year 2000. " Mrs. <br />Kolata stated "That isn't correct, the <br />base year would be March 1, 1999, <br />and the growth attributable to 100 <br />Navarre Place would be part of the <br />increment. Mr. Brademas stated <br />"Even though it is being taxed out? " <br />Mrs. Kolata responded that the base <br />value would be whatever was there <br />on March 1, 1999, and growth in that <br />increment since then would be <br />available to the TIF District." Mrs. <br />Kolata stated "1'm not sure when you <br />started construction, if there were <br />anything there starting March 1, <br />1999; if there were, it was a small <br />amount. " Mr. Brademas stated, <br />"There was a paved parking lot with <br />lights installed. I'm for TIF <br />Districts. I get a little agitated about <br />where the TIF District dollars go. <br />We helped put in all of the <br />infrastructure on Grape Road with <br />TIF and not with dollars from the <br />local taxpayers. Eventually, I hope <br />that those public items pay for <br />themselves so that those of us who <br />pay taxes could get relief Because <br />what you are going to be doing here <br />-22- <br />