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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 18, 2000 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />b. continued... <br />Development Area Plan. However, <br />in addition to these guidelines and <br />due to the district characteristics of <br />the area, coordination of parking <br />plans, the sharing of parking <br />facilities between different uses and <br />the construction of parking <br />structures are all encouraged. The <br />Downtown Medical Services District <br />shall not be subject to the design <br />review guidelines which are <br />identified in the existing South Bend <br />Central Development Area <br />Development Plan. No properties <br />are identified for acquisition as a <br />component of this plan amendment. <br />Final components including: How <br />future amendments will take place; <br />The Statutory Authority for the plan; <br />Obligations the developer must <br />follow; The land acquisition <br />procedures; The property <br />rehabilitation requirements and the <br />types of Redevelopment activities <br />which are allowable, are all <br />consistent with the existing South <br />Bend Central Development Area <br />Plan <br />Mr. Hunt opened the public hearing <br />for anyone who wished to speak <br />regarding Resolution No. 1737. <br />Ted Foti, Memorial Hospital, stated <br />that "Obviously, we are in support of <br />the expansion area (inaudible). <br />-16- <br />