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public’s concerns. The inspectors agreed with my <br />recommendation that the officers, when they fail to <br />find the drug dealer, apologize to the tenants and <br />explain that they had to take severe measures in <br />order to protect themselves from drug dealers who <br />are usually armed and often violent. <br />Mediation <br />After a citizen has filed a complaint against an officer, <br />if both parties accept an offer to mediate, Patricia <br />Hughes sends the case to the Minneapolis Mediation <br />Program, a private, nonprofit organization with which <br />CRA has a $1,500 annual contract to provide unlimited <br />mediation services, typically 40 to 50 sessions a year. <br />Under the terms of the contract, the program must <br />arrange the mediation within 14 days unless there are <br />extenuating circumstances. Mediation program staff <br />telephone the parties to reconfirm they are willing to <br />participate, explain the process, and set a time and neu- <br />tral place (e.g., a library or neighborhood center) at the <br />parties’ convenience. The program informs Hughes <br />whether or not mediation is successful. If mediation is <br />successful, Hughes dismisses the complaint; if it is not, <br />she sends the case back to her staff for investigation. <br />(See chapter 3, “Other Oversight Responsibilities,” for <br />additional information about the mediation process in <br />Minneapolis.) <br />Early warning system <br />The IA unit generates a quarterly report that lists the 10 <br />officers with the most complaints during the quarter and <br />for the previous 12 months. The report distinguishes <br />complaints filed with IA and those filed with CRA. <br />CRA generates the totals for the complaints it receives. <br />Staffing and budget <br />By a majority vote, the city council appoints four board <br />members through a public application process. The <br />mayor nominates three board members as well as a chair- <br />person from among the seven members. While the city <br />council must approve the mayor’s nominees, it has never <br />rejected one. All appointments are for 4 years, subject to <br />reappointment. <br />The CRA board hires, supervises, and fires (if necessary) <br />the executive director. The CRA chairperson supervises <br />and evaluates her. He asks other board members to fill out <br />A SAMPLE HEARING <br />The chairperson called the hearing to order at 4:05 p.m. Patricia Hughes, the CRA executive director, acting as <br />the prosecutor, began by giving an opening statement in which she described how an off-duty white officer, sta- <br />tioned at an upscale hotel, was alleged to have made a racial slur against a black man, not a hotel resident, for <br />being messy while using the hotel restroom.The officer and the man got into a heated discussion, after which the <br />officer “trespassed” the man—giving him notice that he would be subject to arrest if he returned to the property. <br />The citizen filed a complaint for harassment and inappropriate behavior.The union attorney said there had been <br />numerous cases of vandalism and drug use in the hotel restroom. As a result, the officer was just doing his job to <br />protect the premises in questioning the man about his behavior.The complainant was sworn in and answered <br />questions from the prosecutor, union lawyer, and panel members. He then left. <br />The prosecutor introduced a friend of the complainant’s who had entered the hotel with him but had not used <br />the restroom. However, the friend had heard the conversation that transpired in the hotel lobby and confirmed <br />the complainant’s story. Although this was hearsay evidence, the panel accepted it because the witness was so <br />close to the event in time and place.The officer was then sworn in and given a Garrity warning.The officer denied <br />having made any racial slurs. <br />The hearing concluded with the prosecutor and union lawyer offering concluding statements, and the prosecutor <br />presenting a final rebuttal to the lawyer’s statement.The panel deliberated for about a half hour and found 2 to 1 <br />for the complainant. <br />C ITIZEN R EVIEW OF P OLICE: APPROACHES AND I MPLEMENTATION <br />35