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C ITIZEN R EVIEW OF P OLICE: APPROACHES AND I MPLEMENTATION <br />29 <br />THE CHIEF’S RESPONSE TO AN OMBUDSMAN INVESTIGATION <br />A man arrested on a domestic violence charge filed a complaint with the ombudsman’s office alleging an officer <br />punched him in the face after the citizen tried to headbutt the officer.The citizen also alleged that the officer <br />threatened to beat him up for hitting a woman. <br />An ombudsman’s investigator interviewed the complainant, his girlfriend, and the complainant’s brother as well as <br />the subject officer and two other officers at the scene. Medical records indicated a 2 by 2-centimeter hematoma <br />on the right cheek.The citizen’s girlfriend reported,“I heard him [the officer] say [to the citizen on the phone <br />that] he was gonna kick his a--.” The citizen’s brother reported that “I heard one cop say that he [the com- <br />plainant] hit [the officer].” <br />The subject officer wrote to the ombudsman that some words were exchanged between him and the citizen, and <br />when the citizen said “F--- you” and headbutted him, the officer immediately struck the man with a closed fist to <br />the face.The other officers reported that the man was already handcuffed at the time the officer hit him.The <br />officer said he hit the man because “With the quickness of the situation, I had no time to use my O.C. [oleoresin <br />capsicum, or pepper spray] or any other methods to control [the man] from striking again.” <br />The ombudsman’s report sent to the chief reproduced two department policies pertinent to the complaint, one <br />on self-control and one on the use-of-force continuum.The latter policy includes the statement that “Above the <br />holds and maneuvers [in the continuum of force] are the STRIKINGS.The striking points may be soft tissue, joints, <br />or, in the extreme case, the suspect’s head.” <br />The ombudsman’s office summarized the case by saying: <br />Other methods available [to the officer for restraining the subject] would include verbal persuasion, <br />touching or pushing away, O.C. spray, a compliance hold, the assistance of the other two officers to <br />subdue Mr. [the complainant] . . . or simply stepping away from Mr. ____ to deescalate the altercation. <br />It is the Ombudsman’s determination that Officer ____ could have used any of the above mentioned <br />alternatives first, rather than punching Mr. ____ in the face. Officer did not indicate in any reports to <br />the Ombudsman that he felt his safety or life were in danger. <br />The report concluded by saying that “Officer ____’s actions violated the Flint Police Department’ Use of Force <br />Continuum . . . [and] the police department’s policy on self control....Chief of Police Trevor Hampton should <br />review Officer ____’s actions and issue the appropriate discipline.” <br />The chief wrote the ombudsman’s office back as follows: <br />I am in receipt of your critical report.Please be advised that Mr.____ did not file a complaint with the <br />Flint Police Department regarding this incident. As a result of your report,I am initiating an investigation. <br />If the findings of the internal investigation show violations by members of the Flint Police Department, <br />appropriate action will be taken. <br />Three months later, the chief wrote again to say: <br />“The investigation involving the complaint of Mr. ____ has been reviewed and evaluated by me.The <br />charge has been sustained against Officer ____ and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.”