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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - April 23, 1999 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS(CONT.) <br />c. Commission approval requested for <br />Contract with CFH Landscape Services <br />for professional services in the Sample - <br />Ewing Development Area. (Southeast <br />Neighborhood) <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that we received a <br />proposal from the Center for the Homeless <br />(CFH) Landscape Services to maintain the <br />Redevelopment owned properties known <br />as P -5, P -9A, P -11 C, P -21, P -25, P -26 and <br />the HTI Lot for an amount not -to- exceed <br />$8,700. <br />Mrs. Kolata requested that the category <br />"removal of trash every week" be removed <br />from the proposal. She also requested that <br />the section on "paying interest" be <br />removed from the proposal. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Blake, seconded by <br />Mr. Donoho and carried, the Commission <br />accepted the Contract with CFH <br />Landscape Services in the amount of <br />$8,700, subject to the category "removal <br />of trash every week" and the section on <br />"paying interest" being removed from the <br />proposal for professional services in the <br />Sample -Ewing Development Area. Ms. <br />Schwartz abstained. <br />H: \WPDATA \C0MMSN\042399.MIN -5- <br />COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE CONTRACT WITH <br />CFH LANDSCAPE SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$8,700, SUBJECT TO THE CATEGORY "REMOVAL OF <br />TRASH EVERY WEEK" AND THE SECTION ON <br />"PAYING INTEREST" BEING REMOVED FROM THE <br />PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN THE <br />SAMPLE -EWING DEVELOPMENT AREA <br />