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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 5, 1999 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />a. continued... <br />the 19 -acre property, which is being added <br />to the acquisition list. This was dependent <br />on the 19 acres being annexed into the <br />City and that annexation is now complete. <br />The intended use of the 19 -acres of land is <br />residential. Resolution No. 1670 amends <br />the Airport Economic Development Area <br />Development Plan by adding the 19 -acre <br />parcel to the acquisition list. <br />Mr. Hunt opened the public hearing for <br />anyone who wished to speak regarding <br />Resolution No. 1670. Warren Ashley <br />from the German Township Neighborhood <br />Association stated that his Neighborhood <br />Association received a letter regarding the <br />amendment of the Airport Economic <br />Development Area Development Plan. He <br />was asked to attend the Commission <br />meeting to find out exactly what the <br />Amendment consists of. He also stated <br />that the Neighborhood Association was <br />under the impression that Michiana <br />Regional/South Bend Transportation <br />Center was interested in the 19 -acre parcel <br />of land. Mrs. Kolata stated that is not the <br />case. Mr. Ashley did not have any further <br />comments. <br />There was no one else from the public who <br />wanted to speak on Resolution No. 1670, <br />so Mr. Hunt closed the public hearing and <br />asked the Commission if they had any <br />comments or questions. The Commission <br />did not have any questions or comments. <br />H: \WPDATA \COMMSN\030599.MW -6- <br />