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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 5, 1999 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />a. continued.... <br />Mrs. Schwartz made a motion to table this <br />item until the self - insurance provision <br />could be reviewed. There were no <br />objections and item 5.a. was tabled. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />Mrs. Kolata asked permission to add items <br />6.m. and 6.n. to the agenda. There was no <br />objection and items 6.m. and 6.n. were added <br />to the agenda. <br />a. Public Hearing on Resolution No. 1670. <br />Mrs. Kolata asked that the following items <br />be entered into the record: (1) Affidavits <br />from the Tri- County News and South <br />Bend Tribune that the Notice of Public <br />Hearing was published in those <br />newspapers on February 19, 1999; (2) A <br />statement from Owen Rock that on <br />February 17, 1999, copies of the Notice of <br />Public Hearing were sent to the affected <br />property owners and registered <br />neighborhood associations. As of 10:00 <br />a.m. this morning, no written <br />remonstrances were received. <br />Owen Rock, Economic Development <br />Specialist, stated that the amendment adds <br />a 19 -acre property owned by Dale Park <br />and the Park Estate to be added to the <br />acquisition list. He also stated that when <br />Dale Parks' 70 -acre property in the U.S. <br />31 Industrial Park was purchased by the <br />Commission, we agreed to also purchase <br />HAWPDATATOMMSM030599.MIN -5- <br />ITEM 5.A. WAS TABLED <br />ITEMS 6.M. AND 6.N. WERE ADDED TO THE <br />AGENDA <br />