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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 5, 1999 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />1. continued... <br />Justification for Support —(1) Welsh, <br />Inc. needs to advertise to the Amoco fleet <br />card carriers on the Indiana Toll Road; (2) <br />Welsh, Inc. will advertise to people <br />traveling on the Indiana Toll Road. This <br />will encourage those driving through the <br />community to spend money in our <br />community; (3) The sign may lead to <br />future development of the commercial lots <br />in the U.S. 31 Industrial Park; (4) It is <br />reasonable to assume that other potential <br />purchasers of the commercial lots, such as <br />a restaurant or motel, would want to <br />capture highway traffic and would want a <br />sign of a similar height. Support of this <br />proposal would limit the number of sign <br />structures to one although there could be <br />two or three actual signs eventually <br />located on it. <br />m. Commission approval requested for <br />Satisfaction of Obligations and Release <br />of Mortgage for the property at 305 E. <br />Fox St. <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that Alfonzo Cardenas <br />has met all of the requirements of the <br />Rental Rehab Loan Program. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. Schwartz, seconded COMMISSION APPROVED THE SATISFACTION OF <br />by Mr. Blake and unanimously carried, the OBLIGATIONS AND RELEASE OF MORTGAGE FOR <br />Commission approved the Satisfaction of THE PROPERTY AT 305 E. FOX ST <br />Obligations and Release of Mortgage for <br />the property at 305 E. Fox St. <br />HAWPDATA \C0MMSN\030599.MIN -16- <br />