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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 5, 1999 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />d. Commission approval requested for <br />Certificate of Waiver in connection with <br />the Rental Rehab Loan Program for <br />property at 313 E. Ewing. (George <br />Athens) <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that the Certificate of <br />Waiver forgives $990.00 as of August 1, <br />1998. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded <br />by Mr. Blake and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Certificate of <br />Waiver in connection with the Rental <br />Rehab Loan Program for property at 313 <br />E. Ewing. (George Athens) <br />AdOL e. Staff report on disposition of property <br />in the South Bend Central Development <br />Area. <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that there was no staff <br />report. <br />E Commission approval requested for <br />Assignment of Interest and Rights of <br />Joseph MacHatton to Charles Austin <br />for the property at 413 S. Jackson <br />Street. <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that Mr. MacHatton <br />would like to sell his property at 413 S. <br />Jackson Street to Charles Austin. <br />Mary Beth Thompson stated that there are <br />three years left on Mr. MacHatton's Rental <br />Rehab loan. The remaining loan amount <br />totals $6,750. <br />HAWPDATATOMMSM020599.MIN -8- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE CERTIFICATE OF <br />WAIVER IN CONNECTION WITH THE RENTAL <br />REHAB LOAN PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY AT 313 E. <br />EWING (GEORGE ATHENS) <br />THERE WAS NO STAFF REPORT <br />