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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - February 5, 1999 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS <br />There were no Communications. THERE WERE NO COMMUNICATIONS <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />a. Commission approval requested for <br />proposal for professional services in the <br />Airport Economic Development Area. <br />(Design of Crescent Circle) <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that a topographic <br />survey and engineering services for design <br />of Crescent Circle from Nimtz Parkway to <br />its northwest terminus is needed. <br />She also stated that proposals from <br />Wightman Petrie, Inc., Peirce & <br />Associates and Lawson - Fisher Associates, <br />Inc. were presented at the January 22, <br />1999, meeting for the Commission's <br />consideration. Peirce & Associates <br />proposed to do the work for a fee not -to- <br />exceed $8,800. Wightman Petrie, Inc. <br />proposed to do the work for a fee not -to- <br />exceed $3,200. Lawson - Fisher <br />Associates, Inc. proposed to do the work <br />for a lump sum fee of $25,630. The <br />Commission tabled this item because the <br />Commission was concerned about the <br />wide range of proposals and the staff <br />recommendation to accept a proposal other <br />than the low one. Mrs. Kolata reported <br />that she talked with the City Engineer <br />about the proposals and his <br />recommendation is to accept the proposal <br />from Peirce & Associates. It is his opinion <br />that this proposal from Wightman Petrie is <br />unrealistically low and it does not have a <br />scope of services. <br />HAWPDATATOMMSM020599.MIN -3- <br />