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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - December 19, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />c. Staff report on proposals to provide <br />Real Estate Marketing Services in the <br />South Bend Central Development Area, <br />Sample -Ewing Development Area, and <br />Airport Economic Development Area <br />(excluding the Blackthorn Corporate <br />Park) <br />d. Staff report on proposals to provide <br />Real Estate Marketing Services in the <br />Blackthorn Corporate Park. <br />CB Commercial /Robert Bradley <br />Associates and Stone Real Estate Group <br />presented proposals at the December 5, <br />1997, Redevelopment Commission <br />meeting and representatives from both of <br />these companies were present at the <br />meeting today. Mrs. Kolata noted that <br />individual meetings were held with CB <br />Commercial/Robert Bradley Associates <br />and Stone Real Estate Group after the <br />December 5 meeting to further discuss <br />each company's proposal. <br />Mrs. Kolata noted that the staff included in <br />the request for proposals retail space in the <br />parking garage fronting on Michigan <br />Street, part of the Leighton Plaza project. <br />When the request for proposals was sent <br />out, the intent was for both leasing of the <br />retail space and for property management <br />but this was not made clear in the request <br />for proposals. The staff now recommends <br />excluding the retail space from these <br />proposals. We are recommending that a <br />new request for proposal be sent out to <br />both firms that includes the retail space in <br />F:\ HOME\ CPHWPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\121997.MIN -9- <br />