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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - December 19, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />r. continued.... <br />South Bend Central Development Area <br />Plan. Just for the record, why don't we <br />refer to that now as Exhibit B. <br />JON HUNT: What we propose now is <br />what we would see as a development <br />concept for that quarter block and this <br />broad brush- stroke concept would be <br />translated into both bid documents and <br />development standards for that site, if you <br />acquire that property and put it up for <br />public bid. We believe that the acquisition <br />and the assemblage does in fact support <br />what our long -term plans are and what the <br />community's long -term plans are for the <br />core area. First of all, the development <br />concept that we would call for, would call <br />for a 50,000 to 75,000 sf Class A office <br />building, either multi -tenant or corporate <br />headquarters. We would also suggest that <br />the development concept be translated into <br />a three to four -story building, urban style, <br />masonry facade. We suggest very strongly <br />in the bid documents that the requirement <br />be put forward to anchor the Southwest <br />corner, which is in a high visibility <br />corridor of downtown and anchor it by not <br />creating and pushing the building back off <br />of the lot lines but by bringing the building <br />up to the front. If in doing that, if there <br />were interests in the development of a <br />plaza of some sort, we would suggest that <br />it be limited in size and be very, very <br />pedestrian friendly on this heavy <br />pedestrian corridor. We also would stress <br />that any building or development that <br />F:\ HOME\ CPHIPPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\121997.MIN -32- <br />