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the Common Council for a continuance of any such delay in accordance with the same procedure as for the initial petition. The <br />Historic Preservation Commission may petition the Building Commissioner to use the legal means available to him / her to force <br />. the maintenance and / or repair of any building or structure within the historic district in accordance with the intent of this <br />ordinance. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff accepts the windows have deteriorated beyond repair and necessitate replacement, and <br />therefore favorably recommends the overall purpose of this application. The Standards and Guidelines state that if "new sashes <br />and doors are installed, the existing or original materials, design, and hardware should be used." Staff interprets this as stating <br />that wood should be used in lieu of some alternative material, and would request that wood window products be researched by <br />the property owner. Staff requests the Commission remand authority to Staff to approve alternative wooden windows options, <br />were the applicant be amenable to pursuing alternatives. Were those alternatives found to be cost prohibitive for the applicant, <br />staff would recommend approval of the project as submitted. Staff recommends that the diamond pattern "Prairie glazing" <br />window be retained. <br />Written by <br />Adam Toering <br />Historic Preservation Specialist <br />Approved by <br />Elicia Feasel <br />Historic Preservation Administrator <br />Commissioner Molnar made a motion to approve COA #2018-0309 as submitted. Motion <br />failed without second. <br />Commissioner Gelfman made a motion for application #2018-0309 to remand the decision to <br />our staff for the authority to approve alternative wooden window options were the applicant <br />be amenable to pursuing alternatives. If that is not the case, and it is found to be cost <br />• prohibitive for the applicant, then the staff would recommend approval of the project as <br />submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Molnar. <br />Four in favor, none opposed. <br />Vote: 4 — 0. Motion to approve COA #2018-0309 is passed. <br />Application COA #2018-0309 is remanded to staff for approval unanimously. <br />5. 651 River Avenue COA# 2018-0309A #6846-80 Edgewater Local Historic <br />District <br />No representation. <br />STAFF REPORT <br />CONCERNING APPLICATION FOR A <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS <br />Date: March 7, 2018 <br />Application Number: 2018-0309A <br />Property Location: 651 River Avenue <br />Architectural Style/Date/Architect or Builder: Gabled -ell / 1889 / "Oliver and Catherine Brown Residence" <br />• Property Owner: Charles Beatty <br />Landmark or District Designation: Edgewater Place Local Historic District, Ordinance #6846-80 <br />Rating: Contributing <br />11 <br />