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Historic landmarks shall not be demolished. When a landmark poses a threat to the public safety, and demolition is the only <br />alternative, documentation by way of photographs, measured drawings, or other descriptive methods should be made of both <br />the exterior and interior of the landmark. The person or agency responsible for demolition of the landmark shall be responsible <br />for this documentation. <br />E. Moving <br />The moving of landmarks is discouraged, however, moving is preferred to demolition. When moving is necessary, the owner <br />of the landmark must apply to the Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness. <br />F. Signs <br />No neon or -flashing signs will be permitted unless they -are original to the structure. -Billboards and super -graphics will also be <br />disallowed. Only one appropriate identifying sign will be permitted per business. <br />G. Building Site and Landscaping <br />1. Reauired <br />Major landscaping items, trees, fencing, walkways, private yard lights, signs (house numbers) and benches which <br />reflect the property's history and development shall be retained. Dominant land contours shall be retained. Structures <br />such as: gazebos, patio decks, fixed barbecue pits, swimming pools, tennis courts, green houses, new walls, fountains, <br />fixed garden furniture, trellises, and other similar structures shall be compatible to the historic character of the site and <br />neighborhood and inconspicuous when viewed from a public way. <br />2. Recommended <br />New site work should be based upon actual knowledge of the past appearance of the property found in photographs, <br />drawings, and newspapers. Plant materials and trees in close proximity to the building that are causing deterioration <br />to the buildings historic fabric should be removed. However, trees and plant materials that must be removed should <br />be immediately replaced by suitable flora. Front yard areas should not be fenced except in cases where historic <br />documentation would indicate such fencing appropriate. Fencing should be in character with the buildings style, <br />materials, and scale. <br />3. Prohibited <br />No changes may be made to the appearance of the site by removing major landscaping items, trees, fencing, <br />walkways, outbuildings, and other elements before evaluating their importance to the property's history and <br />development. Front yard areas shall not be transformed into parking lots nor paved nor blacktopped. The installation <br />of unsightly devices such as TV reception dishes and solar collectors shall not be permitted in areas where they can be <br />viewed from public thoroughfares. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The vinyl windows currently installed replace wood windows that were not <br />original to the structure. Group B Standards state that change of materials should be consistent with the character <br />and style of the structure. Renovations, Section C 1, state "Necessary structural improvements, where safety <br />demands should be accomplished in such a way as to cause minimal visual change to the original style and <br />construction." As the porch was originally open, but is now used for dining, enclosure is necessary. The proposed <br />design as recommended by Mr. Zeiger of Indiana Landmarks reduces the protrusion of the windows from the <br />existing porch fagade whilst simulating the look of the open porch prior to the installation of the windows in 1979, <br />thus providing a consistent visual appearance; therefore, staff would recommend approval of a window design in <br />keeping with that as proposed by Mr. Zeiger. Additionally, staff would recommend approval of the proposed time <br />schedule, with installation of windows on the most visible southeast side in Spring 2018, with balance of windows <br />to be installed Fall 2018. <br />However, as the application's textual description differs in detail of dimension and construction from the <br />recommendation of Mr. Zeiger, staff recommends that these items be rectified: 1) exact dimensions of the <br />proposed windows could be confirmed by the contractor in accordance with Mr. Zeiger's recommendation, 2) <br />descriptions of the proposed framing (specifically dimensions, material constitution, and profile) could be <br />established, and 3) allow for the intended replacement for the single window on the southwest side to be <br />determined. <br />Written by <br />Adam Toering <br />Deputy Director <br />Approved by <br />Elicia Feasel <br />Executive Director <br />