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be installed and painted to match existing trim on house. Although the porch was not originally enclosed, the <br />proposed treatment will seek to simulate the open -porch that existed before. Existing interior trim and concrete <br />pillars will be resealed and painted using proper materials and procedures by K&J Building Contractors. Request <br />has been made to install new windows on the southeast side of the rear porch in Spring 2018, with the balance to be <br />replaced Fall 2018, due to the seasonal time as well as the cost incurred. <br />Mr. Todd Zeiger of Indiana Landmarks was consulted by both the building owner's representative (Kristi Matteoni) <br />and the contractor (K&J Building Contractors) to create a working solution for this project. Mr. Zeiger submitted <br />diagrams and photographs detailing his recommendations that accompanied the original application, as well as were <br />furnished to this office independently. His e-mail correspondence and diagrams are included, see attached. <br />A site visit by Deputy Director Adam Toering and Preservation Specialist Steve Szaday in conjunction with Mr. <br />Zeiger was held in the afternoon of Tuesday, September 1211, 2017, and confirmed the total window count and <br />enclosure dimensions. There are at present the following distributions of windows in the concerned area: eight <br />windows on the southeast face, twelve windows on the south face, and one window on the south west face (for a <br />total of 21 windows). Application does not reference the south west window's fate, other than its removal. <br />PRESERVATION SPECIALIST REPORT (Edited): <br />On September 7, 2017 at approximately 4 PM, I visited the property located at 620 W Washington commonly <br />known as Tippecanoe Place. After review of the COA application to remove the existing non -original vinyl <br />windows and replace with fixed glass with wood frames. I wanted to confirm sizes and quantity, as I saw nothing <br />listed for the west window near the door but had all 21 windows removed but only south and east side windows <br />being replaced. <br />I have emailed Todd from Indiana Landmarks in regards to size and quantity and he is the understanding that <br />everything between the transition boards will be removed and that all windows will be removed and replaced with <br />the proposed glass and wood items. I still have concerns on whether the new windows will fit in the openings <br />properly. Todd has offered that we set up a call with the owner to answer the concerns. We will do so as soon as <br />possible. Steve Szaday, Preservation Specialist <br />STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: <br />Group B <br />A. Maintenance <br />The maintenance of any historical structure or site shall in no way involve any direct physical change except for the general <br />cleaning and upkeep of the landmark. The Commission shall encourage the proper maintenance of all structure or sites. <br />B. Treatment <br />Treatment shall be defined as any change of surface materials that will not alter the style or original form. Such <br />improvements include re -roofing, glazing, or landscaping lawns and may involve a change that can potentially enhance <br />or detract from the character of the landmark. A treatment change of any surface whether on the landmark or in its <br />environment may require a Certificate of Appropriateness if it significantly alters the appearance of the landmark. <br />Although these kinds of changes may not require a Building Permit, a Certificate of Appropriateness may be necessary. <br />The commission should review the proposed treatment for character and style consistency with the original surfaces. <br />C. Renovation and Additions <br />Renovation is the modification of a structure, which does not alter the general massing while an addition, is a change in mass. <br />A modification, which involves the removal of a part of the landmark, should be considered under demolition (see demolition). <br />Additions to landmarks should not detract from the original form and unity of the landmark and should not cover singular <br />examples of architectural detail. Additions to landmarks should be added in a manner that does not disrupt the visible unity of <br />overall appearance of the site. The proportions, materials and ratios of the existing structures should be carried through in the <br />additions. Care should be taken not to change or alter the following: <br />1. Structure—Necessary structural improvements, where safety demands should be accomplished in such a <br />way as to cause minimal visual change to the original style and construction. <br />2. Material—Additions and improvements involving any new material in the landmark should be of the same material <br />as the original. It should be the same size and texture. An alternative material may be allowed if it duplicates the <br />original. <br />a. wood—all wood trim should conform with existing trim in shape and size. <br />b. siding materials the Commission discourages the covering or alteration of original materials with <br />additional siding. Structures already sided with incompatible materials should be returned to a siding similar <br />to the original when renovation is considered. <br />D. Demolition <br />