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I <br />8324R91 <br />which is hereby -acknowledged, John F. Freidline, doeL-- lierel-)y <br />grant and convey unto Southhold Restorations, Inc. ars <br />Easement (which Easement is more particularly described <br />VVIVWj in and to that certain real property and the exterior <br />surfaces of all buildings and improvements located thereon, <br />all owned by the Grantoz, the description of which is a - <br />follows, to -wit: <br />A part of Bank Out Lot Numbared 31 of the First <br />Plat of Out Lots of the Town, now city of souti, <br />Bend, platted by the State Bank of Indiana, which <br />part is bounded by a line running as follows, viz: <br />Beginning on the North Line of Washington street <br />(now Vlauhington Avenue) in said City, at a point 24 <br />3/4 feet Cast of the South East corner of said Bank <br />Out Lot Numbered 31; thence running k7est on the <br />North line of said Washington Avenue a distance of <br />70 feet; thence North 150 feet; thence East 70 <br />feet; thence South 150 feet to the place of <br />beginning. <br />all of which may hereinafter be referred to as the <br />*Property". <br />The Easement granted herein, to be of th6 natuxe and <br />character hereinafter further expressed, shall constitute a <br />Dinding servitude upon said Property of the Grantor, and to <br />that end Grantor covenants on behalf of himoelf, his <br />successors and assigns, with Grantee, its successor& and <br />assigns, such covenants being deemed to ruti as a binding <br />servitude, in perpetuity, with the land, to do (and refrain <br />from doing) upon the Property each of the following <br />stipulations, which contribute to the public purpose in that <br />they aid significantly in the preservation of the historic <br />property: <br />1. The exterior surfaces of all buildings and <br />improvements (including, without limitation, exterior wdllc, <br />roofs and chimneys) on the subject Ptoperty are ttscse <br />depicted in the Photographs attached hereto and incorpozated <br />2 <br />