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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - October 17, 1997 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />a. continued.... <br />Mr. Hunt asked if the City gives notification <br />that an ordinance has been repealed; if so, <br />what type of notification? Mike Beitzinger <br />stated that the City Clerk's office is required <br />to publish notification of a repealed <br />ordinance in the local newspapers. Anne <br />Bruneel stated that one ordinance is repealed <br />by enacting another ordinance. Notification <br />of the repealed ordinance is published in title <br />in the local newspapers, and then a public <br />hearing is held in the course of the Common <br />Council acting on the repealed ordinance. <br />Mrs. Kolata stated that she believes there was <br />an article in the local newspaper stating that <br />the ordinance had been repealed. She also <br />stated that Larry Magliozzi and Mike <br />Beitzinger had worked with Tom Ford and a <br />number of other home builders to draft the <br />original (repealed) ordinance. She doesn't <br />know if Larry Magliozzi had any <br />correspondence with the home builders, <br />informing them of the repealed ordinance. <br />Mr. Peddycord stated that Tom Ford did not <br />receive any type of correspondence informing <br />him of the repealed ordinance. <br />Tom Ford stated that he is very familiar with <br />the existing procedures of filing for tax <br />abatement consideration and would have <br />used those procedures if he had realized that <br />those procedures were operatative at that <br />time. <br />H:\ HOME \CPHWPS \WPDATA \COMMSN\101797.MIN -8- <br />• <br />