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C <br />South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - October 17, 1997 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />a. continued.... <br />Tom Ford had been working from maps <br />furnished to him by the City of South Bend <br />Department of Community and Economic <br />Development and the Division of Planning. <br />Mr. Peddycord stated that Tom Ford received <br />a map, in the mail, which was substantially <br />similar to other maps he had received in the <br />past from the Department of Community and <br />Economic Development and the Division of <br />Planning. The most recent map he received <br />showed that the area, which included 2520 <br />W. Calvert, was considered a Residential <br />Distressed Area under the original automatic <br />tax abatement ordinance. <br />Mr. Peddycord stated that when Tom Ford <br />received the map, which he assumed was <br />similar to other maps he had received in the <br />past, he started construction of the home <br />located at 2520 W. Calvert in April 1997. <br />Tom Ford, assuming the homeowner would <br />receive the automatic tax abatement, sold the <br />home to Beverly J. King in July 1997 <br />promising tax abatement as an incentive. If <br />the Commission does not grant tax <br />abatement, Mr. Ford will feel ethically bound <br />to pay the taxes on the property for the 5 <br />years. <br />Mr. Peddycord stated that Beverly J. King is <br />a nurse's aid and was unable to attend today's <br />meeting. He also stated that Ms. King is a <br />qualified buyer under the Housing Assistance <br />program for the benefit of low- income <br />families. <br />H:\IiOME\CPHWPS\WPDATA\COMMSN\101797.NiN -7- <br />• <br />