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STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval and recommends the landscaping of the vacant lot. The house is considered <br />structurally unsound and unsafe to enter by the fire marshal and police. <br />Prepared by C.D. Hostetler, Director <br />On a motion by Mike Voll with a second by Jerry Niezgodski to approve with the amendment to <br />include requirement of suitable groundcover once the house and shed are demolished per staff <br />recommendation. <br />Vote: 6 — 0 Unanimous. <br />COA#2013-0207 Approved. <br />B. NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION <br />1. City Cemetery — update <br />2. Studebaker Corridor District — First Reading. Commissioners requested that the <br />nomination and staff report be emailed prior to the special meeting. <br />III. HEARING OF VISITORS <br />A. Jerry Frye — Owner of Local Landmark at 319 N William <br />IV. REGULAR BUSINESS <br />A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — January 31, 2014 approved by general consent. <br />B. TREASURER'S REPORT None. <br />C. STAFF REPORTS <br />1. Correspondence —None. <br />2. Routine Maintenance Exclusion Approvals None. <br />3. Director's Report —Distributed. Discussion regarding meeting arrangements with <br />Mayor's office. <br />4. Assistant Director Report —Distributed. <br />5. Preservation Specialist Report —Distributed. <br />6. Legal Counsel —None. . <br />D. COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />1. Presidents Report — None. Inquiry regarding electronic Commissioner packets. Staff <br />will continue to send paper versions in the mail and will begin forwarding agenda and <br />color photos via email when applicable. <br />V. OLD BUSINESS <br />A. City Contract — Discussion. <br />B. 2014 Southhold Awards — Discussion. <br />VI. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Commissioner Gordon congratulated Steve Szaday on receiving a compliments from South <br />Bend Drum and Music Exchange owner in Chapin Park. <br />VII. ADJOURNMENT <br />On a motion by Lynn Patrick with a second by Jerry Niezgodski to adjourn. <br />Vote: 6 — 0 Unanimous. <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. <br />Attest* <br />Xy <br />Secretary 'Dat <br />2 <br />