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wanted to nominate his work at the Conservatories for the Michiana Builders Association <br />Award. <br />12 March Sick Day <br />13 March General Office Work. Response to NDU Micro Venture Consulting. 106 <br />Reviews on the 17 properties. Received 2013 Contract from the City; they need 3 signed <br />copies; contacted Larry as to who is to sign the Affidavit -HPC, SJC or both. <br />14 March Mayor responded to my e-mail about the demolitions and the need to <br />include HPC in the process beyond the 106 Reviews. Reconciled the Location Report. <br />Met with John Charles Bryant at the Office concerning the Cemetery. He is very <br />concerned with the deterioration. Contacted Phil St. Claire, Greg Kil and Elicia about <br />setting up a meeting to move this along because there are some potential donors out there - <br />John Charles included. Received the DNR letters for support for Marquette School and <br />Sons of Israel. Accepted COA for April for 1201 E. Wayne. <br />15 March E-mailed Mayor, Kathryn Roos, Scott Ford, Chris Fielding, and Shubhada <br />Kambli with the 2005 contributing structures on the initial 50 demolition listing that <br />included both federal funding and other. Pam Myers called and has set up a meeting for <br />8:30 am on Tuesday to meeting with all parties involved; and a planning meeting on <br />Monday at 1:45. Holly Tate requested the survey information on West LaSalle that is <br />somewhere in Indy. Sent her copy of Survey pages. She wanted copies of the survey <br />cards .... spent the afternoon copying and faxing. <br />3 <br />