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interior/aluminum clad exterior) within the existing frames. Exterior wood trim will be repaired, <br />scraped and repainted with an oil based primer and two coats of a high performance latex paint. <br />Exterior sills will be repaired or replaced as necessary. Steel lintels over windows will be <br />repaired and repainted or replaced in-kind if deteriorated beyond repair. The projecting window <br />bay metal roofs will be repaired, re -flashed and repainted or replaced in-kind if required. See <br />March 5 letter from Indiana Landmarks regarding the state of the windows. Staff concurs that <br />rehabilitating what is left of the original windows may not be the best option. There are about <br />130 windows on the Rushton, not counting the alcove where the new entrance is proposed. <br />Many windows have entire sashes missing and a good number of the windows qualify as <br />deteriorated beyond repair. The aluminum storm windows are nothing but frames, no screen, no <br />glass and have not protected the windows for at least a decade. The proposed replacement is a <br />suitable selection for the building as it will provide minimum visual change and will allow for <br />the existing jamb to remain in place. A prototype unit is intended for installation for everyone to <br />weigh in on. 4. The plan is for the doors to be repaired but they have been boarded up for a long <br />time and haven't been thoroughly evaluated yet. If replacement is necessary, the owner proposes <br />to retain the existing frame and replace the panel with a new unit in wood or aluminum that will <br />be compatible with the original style. 5. Regarding masonry, the proposal is to perform <br />selective tuck -pointing and repair to the limestone as required. Cracked or damaged brick will <br />be replaced with brick to match as closely as possible. Old metal anchors will be removed and <br />holes repaired. Open vertical joints are proposed to be ground out and repaired with a soft <br />sealant joint to allow for movement, reducing the possible damage to the adjacent brick. 6. New <br />exterior lighting is proposed under the covered south porch at the entry door and at the new west <br />entrance, style to be determined. <br />GROUP B LOCAL LANDMARK STANDARDS: <br />The Commission has the authority to determine the architectural merits and the extent of any <br />proposed treatment, renovation, or addition to a historic landmark. The commission will require <br />drawings, plans, specifications, and/or samples where appropriate. <br />A. Maintenance <br />The maintenance of any historical structure or site shall in no way involve any direct physical change <br />except for the general cleaning and upkeep of the landmark. The Commission shall encourage the <br />proper maintenance of all structure or sites. <br />B. Treatment <br />Treatment shall be defined as any change of surface materials that will not alter the style or original <br />form. Such improvements include re -roofing, glazing, or landscaping lawns and may involve a <br />change that can potentially enhance or detract from the character of the landmark. A treatment <br />change of any surface whether on the landmark or in its environment may require a Certificate of <br />Appropriateness if it significantly alters the appearance of the landmark. Although these kinds of <br />changes may not require a Building Permit, a Certificate of Appropriateness may be necessary. The <br />commission should review the proposed treatment for character and style consistency with the <br />original surfaces. <br />C. Renovation and Additions <br />Renovation is the modification of a structure, which does not alter the general massing while and <br />addition, is a change in mass. A modification, which involves the removal of a part of the landmark, <br />should be considered under demolition (see demolition). <br />Additions to landmarks should not detract from the original form and unity of ht landmark and <br />should not cover singular examples of architectural detail. Additions to landmarks should be added in <br />a manner that does not disrupt the visible unity of overall appearance of the site. The proportions, <br />