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a lot to be desired. Aaron suggested working out something with inexpensive day time <br />parking behind the Bankruptcy Court. Attended the Vacant and Abandoned Housing <br />Task force team meeting and met with Mayor Pete, Katherine Roos and Liz Maradik to <br />tell about Don Rypkema's work and that I would send a link to his publications. Followed <br />up with phone calls to Jack Smith, Tamara at DTSB. Turned in Time sheets for payroll. <br />28 June Code Hearing for 614 South St. Joseph was cancelled. Meeting at the Avon <br />Theatre with Fritz Herget of Arsee Engineering, Brad Dennis of Ziolkowski and the crew <br />from the Library. Theatre Interior is basically a concrete box and used for storage. <br />Exterior Terra Cotta can be restored, upper level in better shape than lower level. <br />Followed up with reports to DTSB and Mayor's Office. <br />29 June Attended meeting at Indiana Landmarks concerning the Fredrickson Candy <br />Store that the First Presbyterian Church wants to disown and move, but doesn't want to pay <br />for it. Also discussed was moving the landmark at 319 William Street. Todd thought that <br />they could both be moved and set upon new foundations and utilities hooked up for <br />between $40,000.00 and $50,000.00 each. Liz Maradik from S.B. Economic <br />Development was also there along with David Hurley. Also attended a meeting with <br />Councilman Oliver Davis about the spot zoning on Parry Street with Christa Nayder (Area <br />Plan) and Scott Ford ( new Director for Comm. &Econ. Devel.). Suggested to Mr. Davis <br />that length of residence not be used as a criteria for all the Council to allow spot zoning as it <br />would cause future problems for the Council. Suggested that the rationale be that the <br />Robert Henry Company already has zoning for light industrial which is right behind the <br />proposed garage site. <br />2 July Worked on the Avon Theatre communications. Prepared Staff' Reports for <br />July meeting. Attended the grand re -dedication and lighting of the refurbished chandelier at <br />the Sons of Israel Synagogue which is now the Silver Hawk's team store at the invitation of <br />David Piser. <br />3 July Elicia, Steve and I did a walk through of the Rushton Apartments with Brad for <br />the upcoming adaptive re -use tour and once the building is completed there will be <br />available an adaptive reuse product. <br />4 July HOLIDAY <br />5 July Meeting in HPC Office with Scott Ford. He assures me that this Administration <br />"gets it" about historic preservation and adaptive re -use. Again is concerned about the <br />Avon Theatre. Added two more COA's to Agenda and prepared Staff Reports for Friday <br />mailing. <br />6 July Prepared Commissioners' packets for mailing. Met with Eileen Sullivan about a <br />USO project and display that she is putting together for an event at Century Center. Steve <br />and I met with Paul Mishler at 421 Manitou to check his windows. They can all be <br />repaired. It appears that several vinyl windows have already been installed, one in a rear <br />addition and one in a upstairs bathroom that appears to be a later addition to the circa <br />1890s house. Conducted Then & Now Tour between 7:00-9:00 pm for 35 people. <br />3 <br />