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Director's Report <br />July 2012 <br />18 June Participated in the Cullar Audit of the NICH 2011 Financal Report at the <br />Northern Indiana Center for History Finance Committee Meeting. On site visit to 516 S. <br />St. Joseph about sidewalk replacement, re -pointing of foundation with Jose Ortiz of Ortiz <br />Concrete. Avon Theatre was the hot topic for discussion. Historic Preservation <br />Commission Meeting 7:00-8:30. <br />19 June Attended 7:30 am Rotary Board meeting at the LaSalle Grill. Presentation <br />by Hugh Johnson for the Rotary Club's 2014 Centennial Project at Howard Park which is <br />in the Howard Park national Register District. Prepared and mailed the 5 approved COAs <br />from Monday's meeting. Endorsed six 106 reviews for grants. E-mailed Mayor's assistants <br />to set up meeting concerning the Avon Theatre facade. Spoke at length with Aaron Perri of <br />DTSB concerning the salvaging/saving of the Avon fagade; he liked my idea of using the <br />facade as an entrance to patio dining for Ciao's and using the rest for parking. The facade <br />could be supported by the side walls, with the south being gradually lowered as a buttress <br />and bringing the rear wall in further if needed.. Began listing of Code issues in historic <br />districts and sent to Steve and Elicia for discussion on Friday at 11:00. Briefly attended the <br />Pitch Your Plan at the State Theatre. Followed up with Liz Maradik on the inquiry from <br />HPC Commissioners about South Bend being in the top 10 for delinquencies in sub prime <br />mortgages. She will e-mail me the source and parameters. Participated in the BSSB <br />meeting at 5:30 p.m. at the Conservatories; presented the Treasurer's Report. <br />20 June Spoke with Katherine Roos in the Mayor's Office. She is THE contact for <br />South Bend's built environment and set up a meeting for Tuesday, 29 June at 11:30 on the <br />14 floor. Returned Kris Benninghoff of the SBT (235 6345) call and inquiry about the <br />Avon Theatre; gave her the history of the site from the survey card. Sent information on <br />Edgewater to Banko Property Management per Gina's request. Began the Review of St. <br />Pat's Park National Register Nomination. Meeting with Todd and Elicia about the <br />Window Video. Suggested a manual in Spanish since many of the new owners in Taylor's <br />Field and Chapin are Mexican. Ryan Dvorak called about the Land Bank legislation. <br />Emails had bounced back when County server crashed. Also he inquired about the Avon <br />and said that he would help if needed. <br />21 June Attended Mayor's Economic Summit featuring HPC's former legal <br />counsel, Shawn Peterson. Very informative sessions. Great networking with public and <br />private sector people. Scott Ford introduced the new configuration proposed for the <br />Department of Community Investment FNA Community and Economic Development. <br />22 June Attended Ground Breaking for the River Race Town Houses. Met architect <br />Velvet Canada; these town houses are being geared for individuals with incomes ranging <br />between 36,000.00-42,000.00 to encourage people who work downtown to live downtown. <br />Spoke with Joe Kernan and congratulated him on being one of the first owners to move in <br />this year. Met with intern Michelle Russoneillo; possible post card project in County gave <br />her a brief tour of Downtown South Bend. <br />