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Assistant Director's Report Preservina Historic Places: Indiana's Statewide Preservation Conference <br />04.11 — 04.13.2012 <br />This year the conference was better than ever! Mayor Joe Stahura preserves the cultural heritage of <br />'Whiting; he is a preservationist in my opinion. <br />Educational sessions that I attended include: <br />1. Shipwrecks and Underwater Archaeology <br />2. Preserving Big Steel Resources in Pennsylvania <br />3. Welcome and History of Whiting <br />4. Phil Scarpino, Professor of History IUPUI "Common Ground: A Historian's Perspective on Natural <br />and Cultural Resources" <br />5. Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology Awards where Brad and Katie Toothaker <br />were honored for American Trust Place <br />6. Behind the Scenes Tour of the Whiting Community Center <br />7. James Kunstler, Author "The Geography of Nowhere: Policies That Lead to Sprawl" <br />8. Legal Basis for Historic Preservation <br />9. Chapter 34: New Building Codes for Historic Preservation <br />10. Connecting Children to Preservation <br />11. Taste of Whiting Dinner, Bingo and Preservation Action Update <br />12. Bowling at the Whiting Community Center on a vintage alley with wood returns <br />13. Stephanie Toothman, Associate Director of Cultural Resources at the National Park Service <br />"Partnerships for the Future" <br />14. Innovative Techniques for Small Town Preservation <br />15. Identifying and Evaluating Post World War II Residential Developments <br />16. Stephanie Meeks, President of the National Trust for Historic Preservation "Saving the Past: <br />Enriching the Future" <br />M lighlights included: <br />1. veneerial- disease <br />2. landscaping called, "cartoons of the northwoods" <br />3. adding a Local Historic District checkbox to real estate disclosure <br />4. passing an ordinance requiring realtors to include an icon denoting a Local Historic District on <br />signage within LHDs <br />5. Water department to issue guidebooks on behalf of HPC <br />6. theme throughout conference was for a community to capitalize on their heritage <br />7. Whiting Redevelopment Commission pays 50% of commercial facade projects of $15,000 and <br />the project must comply with HPC guidelines <br />8. Whiting gives residential grants <br />9. Attica has a no- pavement - over -brick ordinance <br />