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8. In accordance with IC 2046-7-10, SBCSC properly conducted a feasibility study, held public <br />hearings, and heard public testimony on using a twelve (12) month school term rather than <br />expanding classroom space. This feasibility study was completed on April 23, 2007 by Hebard & <br />Hebard. The hearings on year round school were conducted on June 4, 2007 and June 18, 2007. It <br />was determined by SBCSC that year round school would not affect the need for the Project. SBCSC <br />School Property Tax Control Board Hearing Information Sheet, pg 2 of 15, January 22, 2008; see <br />SBCSC School Property Tax Control Board Hearing Information Sheet, Appendix D, January 22, <br />2008. <br />9. As stated above, the Department considered the factors in IC 20-46-7-11: <br />a. The current and proposed square footage of school building space per student: <br />(1) Marouette Primary Center: new construction: 78,000 sq ft.; current sq ft of school bldg <br />per student at current enrollment = 213.55 (66,200 current sq ft / 310 current enrollment), and <br />current sq ft per student at current capacity =153.24 (66,200 current sq ft / 432 current capacity). <br />Square foot per student at new capacity =156.00 (78,000 after project sq ft / 500). <br />(2) Monroe Primary Center: remodeling of existing structure prior to project: 89,720 sq ft; <br />and after project: 108,905. Square foot prior to project per student at current enrollment =152.34 <br />(89,270 current sq ft / 586 current enrollment), and square foot prior to project per student at current <br />capacity =141.70 (89,270 current sq ft / 630 current capacity); Square foot per student at proposed <br />capacity =181.51(108,905 sq ft after project / 600 new capacity). <br />(3) Clav High School: paving = no applicable figures available.- <br />(4) <br />vailable: <br />(4) Washington High School: paving= no applicable figures available. SBCSC School <br />Property Tax Control Board Hearing Information Sheet, Appendix A, January 22, 2008. <br />b. Enrollment patterns within SBCSC: <br />2006-2007 school year = 21,824 total <br />2007-2008 school year = 21,685 total <br />2008-2009 school year = 21,478 total <br />2009-2010 school year= 21,430 total <br />2010-2011 school year= 21,587 total. <br />Information Sheet, Appendix G. <br />SBCSC School Property Tax Control Board Hearing <br />c. The age and condition of the current school facilities: <br />(1) Marauette Primary Center: constructed in 1936 with 8 classroom addition in 1953. <br />(2) Monroe Primary Center: constructed in 1931 (i.e., "Castle School'). <br />d. the cost per square foot of the school building construction project: <br />(1) Mamuette Primary Center: total estimated costs of new construction for 78,000 sq ft <br />building per sq ft = $150.61. The 2008 School Construction Cost Threshold is $157.30 / sq ft for <br />construction of new elementary school facilities. ` <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />I <br />