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(1) Monroe Primary Center: complete renovation of the 85,800 sq. ft. existing building, and <br />an addition of a single -story structure of approximately 19,500 sq. ft.; <br />(2) Marouette Primary Center: construction of a new two-story school building approximately <br />78,000 sq. ft. is planned for the north end of the current site; <br />(3) Washington High School: study of traffic patterns on school's parking; and <br />(4) Clay High School: remodeling of fine arts classrooms to support magnet program. <br />e. A statement that any owners of real property within the political subdivision or registered <br />voters residing within the political subdivision who want to initiate a petition and remonstrance <br />process against the proposed lease payments are required to file a petition not later than thirty (30) <br />days after publication of the preliminary determination was properly included in the published <br />notice. Notice of Preliminary Determination of SBCSC Board of School Trustees to Enter Into a <br />Lease, June 8, 2007. <br />3. A remonstrance was filed against the project. On December 7, 2007, the St. Joseph County <br />Voter Registration office certified that 3,133 total qualified petitioners supported the Project and <br />469 total qualified remonstrators opposed the Project. Voter Registration Oj11'ce Certificate, <br />December 7, 2007. <br />4. SBCSC included a statement in the preliminary determination notice that it expected to appeal ... <br />for a new facility adjustment (as defined in IC 2045-1-16) for an increased maximum permissible <br />tuition support levy to pay the estimated costs of opening a new school facility, the 78,000 sq. ft. <br />Marquette Primary Center. Specifically, SBCSC has indicated that a tax levy of $300,000 will be <br />sought at a tax rate impact of $0.0055. Notice of Preliminary Determination of SBCSC Board of <br />School Trustees to Enter Into a Lease, June 8, 2007; see also SBCSC School Property' Tax Control <br />Board Hearing Information Sheet, pg 11 of 15, January 22, 2008. <br />5. In accordance with IC 2046-7-8, the petition was received by the Department less than twenty- <br />four (24) months after the first date of publication of the preliminary determination. Specifically, <br />the preliminary determination was published on June 8, 2007, and the petition was received by the <br />Department on January 23, 2008. Notice of Preliminary Determination of SBCSC Board of School <br />Trustees to Enter Into a Lease, June 8, 2007; see also SBCSC PetitionforApproval, January 18, <br />2008. <br />6. Per IC 20-46-7-9(b), the Department sought the recommendation of the Control Board. The s <br />Control Board met on February 21, 2008. The vote by the Control Board in support of the Project <br />-- - was five (5) to one (1) with one (1) abstention. School Property Tax Control Board <br />Meeting Minutes, pg 12-15 of 17, February 21, 2008, http-/ . 1 <br />08.pdf. { <br />7. As authorized by IC 20-46-7-9(c), the Department extended the three (3) month review and <br />decision period by an additional three (3) months when the Department provided written notice to <br />Dr. Robert Zimmerman, former superintendent of SBCSC, on April 10, 2008. Letter from <br />Department Administrative Officer Chuck McLean to Dr. Zimmerman, April 10, 2008. <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />