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Nov 2& 2007 8:25HM Preferred Finishing, Inc. (574) 299-1917 p•2 <br />the cost equation, generally we have found that renovation is less expensive than new construction <br />when all of the factors are taken into consideration. It is important to secure architectural services <br />from a firm with some track record in the renovation of schools, as prejudices against old buildings <br />abound within the construction industry. ©Sen renovation, coupled with sensitive additions and <br />alterations to meet tomorrow's programmatic and technological needs, is the right answer — <br />essentially providing the students with the best advantages from both worlds. <br />Beyond the importance of preservation, the renovation of Marquette also makes.sense <br />environmentally. Demolition of an almost 60,000 square foot building will result in hundreds of <br />truckloads of debris being needlessly hauled off to a landfill. Renovation will avoid the loss of <br />the embedded energy that was first used to manufacture the materials that constructed the <br />building. It will reuse materials and reduce the amount of new energy and materials required to <br />build a new school. All of these are valuable lessons to teach our children. <br />With our extensive experience with the issues faced byhistoric schools around the nation, we would <br />be pleased to consult and participate with the South Bend Community School Corporation to assist <br />in the decision making process. We can also consult on strategies for renovation or adaptive use to <br />overcome obstacles to preservation through creative design. By working together, we are confident <br />we can help South Bend achieve the goal of a quality school environment for all children without <br />sacrificing historic merit. <br />The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private, nonprofit membership organization <br />dedicated to protecting the irreplaceable and providing leadership, education, advocacy, and <br />resources to save America's diverse historic places and revitalize communities. Our Washington, DC <br />headquarters staff, six regional offices and 28 historic sites work with the Trust's more than 270,000 <br />members and thousands of local community groups in all 50 states. <br />JA <br />Midwest Director <br />Cc: Mayor Stephen J. Luecke <br />South Bend Common Council Staff <br />Timothy S. Klusczinski, President, Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend & <br />St. Joseph County <br />Todd A. Zeiger, Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana <br />