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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - August 1, 1997 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />h. continued.... <br />Hoffman Court. The counter offer is from <br />Paul D. Hauck in the amount of $14,500. <br />The original purchase offer was $13,000. <br />The staff recommends accepting the <br />counter offer. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Faccenda, seconded COMMISSION ACCEPTED THE COUNTER OFFER FOR <br />by Ms. Schwartz and unanimously carried, 1212 HOFFMAN COURT <br />the Commission accepted the counter offer <br />for 1212 Hoffman Court. <br />i. Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 1536 approving the <br />transfer of real property to the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />Jon Hunt stated that this transfer is for two <br />lots located in the Sample -Ewing <br />Development Area. These lots are located <br />on East Broadway. The Board of Public <br />Works intends to transfer these lots to <br />American Home Dreams, Inc. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Donoho, seconded <br />by Mr. Faccenda and unanimously carried, <br />the Commission adopted Resolution <br />No. 1536 approving the transfer of real <br />property to the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana. <br />j. Commission approval requested for <br />Quit -Claim -Deed for property located <br />in the Sample -Ewing Development <br />Area. <br />COMMISSION ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 1536 <br />APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY TO <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />H:\ HOME\ CPHIPPS \WPDATA \COMMSM080197.MIN -16- <br />