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similar structures shall be compatible to the historic character of the site and the neighborhood and <br />inconspicuous when viewed from a public walkway. <br />Recommended <br />New site work should be based upon actual knowledge of the past appearance of the property found in <br />photographs, drawings and newspapers. New site work should be appropriate to existing surrounding <br />site elements in scale, type and appearance. Plant materials and trees in close proximity to the building <br />that are causing deterioration to the building's historic fabric should be removed. However, trees and <br />plant materials that must be removed should be immediately replaced by suitable flora. All high intensity <br />security lights should be approved by the Historic Preservation Commission. <br />Prohibited <br />No changes may be made to the appearance of the site by removing major landscaping items, trees, <br />fencing, walkways, outbuildings or other elements before evaluating their importance to the property's <br />history and development. Front yard areas shall not be transformed into parking lots nor paved nor <br />blacktopped. Front yard areas shall not be fenced and fences shall not extend forward beyond the setback <br />line of the house. The installation of unsightly devices such as television reception dishes and solar <br />collectors shall not be permitted in areas where they can be viewed from the public thoroughfare. <br />Not Recommended <br />Telephone or utility poles with high - intensity overhead lights should be installed so that they cannot be <br />seen from the thoroughfare. <br />v, <br />, t <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the removal of the non - original features: <br />the in- ground pool and stockade fencing between the house and garage at the rear of the house and the <br />replacement of the pool with sod. <br />