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Zeiger: I have a couple of quick questions. Because I don't seethe details on here, so I just <br />want to have some clarification on it. How wide is this patio going to be? <br />Dregits: To be honest, I don't know as this has been... <br />K Griffith: There are hedges that are in front of the window now so going from the border <br />edge of the home to the equivalent side... <br />Dregits: Looking at the scale, it appears to be in the nature of 12 ft. if this is a 6 ft wide <br />door. <br />Chase: I think that the recommendations said a 12x8.6. <br />Hostetler: No, that's what the original porch was. <br />Zeiger: I'm just reading in the application items and it doesn't mention width, it doesn't <br />mention how far away from house, it just says slate it doesn't talk about is it going to have <br />a wall or any sort of bushes. There's just a lot of details here, I'm not opposed to your <br />proposal here, but for us to make an approval of something that doesn't have any <br />dimensions or anymore specificity is really difficult. I don't have a problem with the patio <br />I think that it meets the guidelines, it's just a matter of modifying the C of A, if you'll agree, <br />I want to make sure that we get those details in. <br />M Griffith: I guess what you'll allow. We don't want something large, and it's what's <br />within your guidelines, we'll follow your guidelines as far as, I'm not interested in... <br />(unintelligible due to distance from microphone) <br />Zeiger: I think that we're all on the same page, it's just a matter of, I think that you can <br />understand that we can't just say "ok, go build a patio ", if we didn't know you or... <br />M Griffith: Right. Are there specific guidelines as to how big one in front of the house can <br />be? <br />Klusczinski: That's more of an architectural question than a guidelines question because of <br />the house. <br />Chase: And the proportion. <br />Zeiger: I see the sidewalk there... <br />M Griffith: Well then what is appropriate and what is not? If I come back to you and say I <br />want a 12 ft one then how do you decide that's ok. <br />Zeiger: It's a matter of, well, that's why I was trying to get a sense of what you were <br />proposing... <br />Klusczinski: It's a judgment call. <br />Zeiger: If you come back and say well, its 40 ft, and it's all the way out to the sidewalk, <br />that's not really in keeping with nature of no front yard, so I was just trying to get some <br />specifics. <br />Klusczinski: Any other questions for the petitioner? Hearing none, Chair moves to <br />Commission discussion. Any comments? Very good. Per legal counsel, Chair opens the <br />public hearing. Is there anyone wishing to speak in support of the current petition? Is <br />there any member of the public wishing to speak in opposition to the current petition? <br />Hearing none, Chair closes public hearing. Any final comments? <br />Dregits: Basically, I think that there is no scale to this and that this is the first time that I've <br />seen this but from what I understand in dealing with the Griffiths they want a nice patio but <br />nothing that will dominate the front yard. Basically, it's going to be a 12x10 patio with a <br />walkway to it, with an attractive pergola to go with it to be approved by the Board at a <br />later date, or whatever you decide. I don't see a problem with that. <br />Klusczinski: Chair would entertain a motion then that we eliminate the pergola detail from <br />this particular C of A as long as the property owner is amenable to that, and allow them to <br />proceed with the other parts of the project. <br />Chase: Ok, application number 2008-0404, I move that we accept the application <br />eliminating the judgment on the pergola until we are approached or the Director is <br />approached with one that is more in scale and appropriate. That's with the approval of the <br />owners. <br />Riley: Second. <br />2 <br />