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Chase: On the front, are these I by 1, am I seeing a blind through, or are those I by 1 on <br />top? <br />Zeiger: Those dormer windows look like they're 3 over, 3 lights over 3 lights... <br />Chase: Are they? <br />Griffith: Yes. <br />Ujdak: That's a shutter. Are you looking at this? <br />Zeiger: 3 lights over 3 lights. <br />Ujdak: That looks like some kind ofshade or something. <br />Griffith: And that's the same window basically that we're looking to put into the back. <br />Chase: Were those replacements? <br />Griffith: No those are originals, and we're trying to restore the originals. These are <br />originals, all of the windows in the front are original to the home with the exception of <br />this and the original C ofA allowed us to put French doors there, which is what was <br />there originally. So basically, we're trying to get all of the original stuff... <br />Ujdak: Back to the way it was? <br />Griffith: Yes. <br />Chase: Oh, right because you're doing the pergola over this? <br />Griffith: Thinking about it. <br />Klusczinski: Any other questions? We move on then to Commission discussion. Just for <br />the record, the survey card for the property shows some precedent for a 9 over 9, and I'll <br />read under Item 15, description "...attenuated 9 over 9 double hung windows with wood <br />casings ". Just as part of the record. <br />Ujdak What make are the windows? <br />Griffith: They're wood. <br />Ujdak: What make ... Pella or what? <br />Riley: He's having them custom made. <br />Griffith: Yes, custom made. <br />Klusczinski: Any other Commission discussion? Hearing none, Chair opens public <br />hearing. Any member of the public wishing to speak in support of the current petition? <br />Any member of the public wishing to speak in opposition to the current petition? Also <br />hearing none, Chair closes public hearing. Any other comments, Mr. Griffith? <br />Griffith: No, just thank you for putting this together on a holiday weekend, I appreciate it. <br />Klusczinski: Chair will entertain a motion for this certificate. For the record, this would <br />be C ofA 2008-0513 as amended. <br />Zeiger: So moved. <br />Riley: Second. <br />Klusczinski: Motion has been made and seconded, any additional discussion? Hearing <br />none, all in favor? (Ayes are heard) Opposed? (Silence) Staff will provide you with a <br />copy of the updated C ofA with the alterations reflected. <br />Moved: Zeiger Second: Riley <br />Passes Unanimously <br />President Klusczinski reviewed the alley vacation request, specifically: <br />"The alley to be vacated is the first east/west alley south of the Golden <br />Avenue from Riverside Drive a distance of 120 feet and width of 14 <br />feet." <br />The alley vacate petition is in process and is scheduled to be heard by Common Council <br />on May 27, 2008. The focus of the HPC review and consideration of this topic was to <br />determine if the HPC has any jurisdiction and/or any place in this process before this, or <br />any other alley vacate in a local historic district or adjoining a landmark, reaches <br />