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in the same block. Additions to existing <br />buildings shall be related in height and proportion <br />to the existing structure. <br />Recommended <br />Design of new construction should be compatible <br />in character and mood to the building <br />or neighborhood. <br />Prohibited <br />Additions that would add new height or <br />change the existing fagade of a building, <br />and change its scale and architectural character <br />shall not be constructed. <br />Not Recommended <br />New stories should not be added nor existing <br />stories be removed which would <br />destroy important architectural details, features <br />and spaces of the building. Any style <br />or period of architecture that is incompatible <br />with the existing should not be permitted <br />in the new additions. <br />Height — This <br />is a mandatory <br />criteria, which <br />new buildings be <br />constructed to a <br />height within <br />10% of the average height of existing adjacent buildings. <br />Proportion <br />of buildings' <br />front fagades — <br />The relationship <br />between the width <br />and height of the <br />front elevation of <br />the building. <br />Proportion of <br />openings within <br />the fagade — The <br />relationship of width <br />to height of windows <br />and doors. <br />Rhythm of solids to <br />voids in front facade — <br />Rhythm being an ordered <br />recurrent alternation of <br />strong and weak elements. <br />Moving by an <br />individual building, one <br />experiences a rhythm of <br />masses to openings. <br />B. BUILDING MATERIALS <br />Wall materials in the district range from brick, stucco and wood clapboard and shingles, to aluminum, <br />vinyl and fiberboard/composite siding. <br />Required <br />Exterior materials used on a new structure shall be compatible in scale, texture and color (as pertains <br />to masonry) with adjacent structures. Materials used on an addition to an existing structure <br />